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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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How Did Thin Submarine Debris Flows Carry Boulder-Sized Intraclasts for Remarkable Distances Across Low Gradients to the Far Reaches of the Mississippi Fan?
Peter J. Talling, Russell B. Wynn, Daniela N. Schmmidt, Rebecca Rixon, Esther Sumner, Lawrence Amy
Sedimentary Architecture in Meanders of a Submarine Channel: Detailed Study of the Present Congo Turbidite Channel (Zaiango Project)
N. Babonneau, B. Savoye, M. Cremer, M. Bez
Controls on the Architecture of a Triassic Sandy Fluvial System, Wolfville Formation, Fundy Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada: Implications for the Interpretation and Correlation of Ancient Fluvial Successions
Sophie Leleu, Xavier M.T. Van Lanen, Adrian J. Hartley
First-Cycle Grain Weathering Processes: Compositions and Textures of Sea Glass from Port Allen, Kauai, Hawaii
Patricia L. Corcoran, Katrina Packer, Mark C. Biesinger
Arkose, Subarkose, Quartz Sand, and Associated Muds Derived from Felsic Plutonic Rocks in Glacial to Tropical Humid Climates
Peter C. van de Kamp
Structural Arrangement of Sedimentary Organic Matter: Nanometer-Scale Spheroids as Evidence of a Microbial Signature in Early Diagenetic Processes
Muriel Pacton, Georges Gorin, Crisogono Vasconcelos, Hans-Peter Gautschi, Jocelyn Barbarand