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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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A Record of Glacial Aridity and Milankovitch-Scale Fluctuations in Atmospheric Dust from the Pennsylvanian Tropics
Sohini Sur, Gerilyn S. Soreghan, Michael J. Soreghan, Wan Yang, Arthur H. Saller
Relationship Between Deep Diagenetic Quartz Cementation and Sedimentary Facies in a Late Ordovician Glacial Environment (Sbaa Basin, Algeria)
Florent Tournier, Maurice Pagel, Eric Portier, Ibtihal Wazir, Nicolas Fiet
Facies and Architectural Asymmetry in a Conglomerate-Rich Submarine Channel Fill, Cerro Toro Formation, Sierra Del Toro, Magallanes Basin, Chile
Zane R. Jobe, Anne Bernhardt, Donald R. Lowe
Cross-Basin Variations in Magnetic Susceptibility Influenced by Changing Sea Level, Paleogeography, and Paleoclimate: Upper Devonian, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Michael T. Whalen, James E. (Jed) Day