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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Quaternary “Compound” Incised Valley in a Microtidal Environment, Roussillon Continental Shelf, Western Gulf of Lions, France

Michel Tesson, Caroline Labaune, Bernard Gensous, Jean-Pierre Suc, Mihaela Melinte-Dobrinescu, Olivier Parize, Patrice Imbert, Vincent Delhaye-Prat

Lithology Dependence of Porosity in Slope and Deep Marine Sediments

Michelle A. Kominz, Kyle Patterson, Danielle Odette

Rapid Mud Accumulation on the Central Texas Shelf Linked to Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise

Robert W.R. Weight, John B. Anderson, Rodrigo Fernandez

Authigenesis of Titania Minerals and the Mobility of Ti: New Evidence from Pro-Deltaic Sandstones, Cretaceous Scotian Basin, Canada

Georgia Pe-Piper, Atika Karim, David J.W. Piper