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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Along-Strike and Down-Dip Variations in Shallow-Marine Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture: Upper Cretaceous Star Point Sandstone, Wasatch Plateau, Central Utah, U.S.A.
Gary J. Hampson, M. Royhan Gani, Kathryn E. Sharman, Nawazish Irfan, Bryan Bracken
Analyzing Spatial Patterns in Modern Carbonate Sand Bodies From Great Bahama Bank
Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Samuel J. Purkis, James Ellis
Autogenic Hiatus in Fluviodeltaic Successions: Geometrical Modeling and Physical Experiments
Arti Tomer, Tetsuji Muto, Wonsuck Kim
Insights Into the Dolomitization Process and Porosity Modification in Sucrosic Dolostones, Avon Park Formation (Middle Eocene), East-Central Florida, U.S.A.
Robert G. Maliva, David A. Budd, Edward A. Clayton, Thomas M. Missimer, J. A. D. Dickson
Morphodynamic and Stratigraphic Evolution of Self-Channelized Subaqueous Fans Emplaced by Turbidity Currents
Alessandro Cantelli, Carlos Pirmez, Sara Johnson, Gary Parker