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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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The Fate of the Submarine Ikaite Tufa Columns in Southwest Greenland Under Changing Climate Conditions
Marc O. Hansen, Bjorn Buchardt, Michael Kuhl, Bo Elberling
Characterization of Controls on High-Resolution Stratigraphic Architecture in Wave-Dominated Shoreface–Shelf Parasequences Using Inverse Numerical Modeling
Karl Charvin, Gary J. Hampson, Kerry L. Gallagher, Joep E. A. Storms, Richard Labourdette
Spatial and Temporal Evolution of a Permian Submarine Slope Channel–Levee System, Karoo Basin, South Africa
Claudio N. Di Celma, Rufus L. Brunt, David M. Hodgson, Stephen S. Flint, John P. Kavanagh
Particle Size Measurement of Diatoms with Inference of Their Properties: Comparison of Three Techniques
Robert S. Pugh, I. Nick McCave
Influence of Mixtures of Grain-Size Populations on the Parametric and Modal Characteristics of Coastal Sands (Herault, Mediterranean Sea, France)
J. Paul Barusseau
Spatial and Temporal Evolution of an Avulsion on the Taquari River Distributive Fluvial System from Satellite Image Analysis
Holly A. Buehler, Gary S. Weissmann, Louis A. Scuderi, Adrian J. Hartley