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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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The Effect of Drainage Reorganization and Climate On the Sedimentologic Evolution of Intermontane Lake Systems: The Final Fill Stage of the Tertiary Ebro Basin (Spain)
Marta Vázquez-Urbez, Concha Arenas, Gonzalo Pardo, Javier Pérez-Rivarés
Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Interpretations of the Late Paleocene Goler Formation, Southern California, U.S.A., Based on Paleosol Geochemistry
Mark A. Torres, Robert R. Gaines
Polygenetic History of Paleosols in Middle–Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothems of the Illinois Basin, U.S.A.: Part I. Characterization of Paleosol Types and Interpretation of Pedogenic Processes
Nicholas A. Rosenau, Neil J. Tabor, Scott D. Elrick, W. John Nelson
Polygenetic History of Paleosols In Middle–Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothems of the Illinois Basin, U.S.A.: Part II. Integrating Geomorphology, Climate, and Glacioeustasy
Nicholas A. Rosenau, Neil J. Tabor, Scott D. Elrick, W. John Nelson
Geochemical Correlation in an Exhumed Submarine Channel Complex (Tabernas Basin, SE Spain): Comparison to Sedimentological Correlation at Various Length Scales
Michaela Aehnelt, Richard H. Worden, Andrew C. Canham, Stephen J. Hill, David M. Hodgson, Stephen S. Flint
On the Stabilizing Influence of Silt on Sand Beds
Gerhard Bartzke, Karin R. Bryan, Conrad A. Pilditch, Katrin Huhn
Basin-Scale Stratigraphic Architecture of Upstream Fluvial Deposits: Jurassic–Cretaceous Foredeep, Alberta Basin, Canada
Ross B. Kukulski, Stephen M. Hubbard, Thomas F. Moslow, M. Keegan Raines
Graphic Logging for Interpreting Process-Generated Stratigraphic Sequences and Aquifer/Reservoir Potential: With Analog Shelf to Shoreface Examples from the Atlantic Coastal Plain Province, U.S.A.
Kathleen M. Farrell, W. Burleigh Harris, David J. Mallinson, Stephen J. Culver, Stanley R. Riggs, John F. Wehmiller, Jessica Pierson Moore, Jean M. Self-Trail, Jeff C. Lautier
Anatomy and Sequence Architecture of the Early Post-Rift in the Neuquén Basin (Argentina): A Response to Physiography and Relative Sea-Level Changes
Gonzalo D. Veiga, Ernesto Schwarz, Luis A. Spalletti, José L. Massaferro