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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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A Fulcrum Approach To Assessing Source-To-Sink Mass Balance Using Channel Paleohydrologic Paramaters Derivable From Common Fluvial Data Sets With An Example From the Cretaceous of Egypt
John Holbrook, Hamdalla Wanas
Large-Scale Bleaching of Red Beds Related To Upward Migration of Hydrocarbons: Los Chihuidos High, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
Ana L. Rainoldi, Marta Franchini, Daniel Beaufort, Patricia Patrier, Adolfo Giusiano, Agnes Impiccini, Josefina Pons
Millennial-Scale Sequence Stratigraphy: Numerical Simulation With Dionisos
Istvan Csato, Octavian Catuneanu, Didier Granjeon
Late Cretaceous Fluvial-Megafan and Axial-River Systems In the Southern Cordilleran Foreland Basin: Drip Tank Member of Straight Cliffs Formation and Adjacent Strata, Southern Utah, U.S.A.
Timothy F. Lawton, William L. Schellenbach, Amy E. Nugent
Multiple Dolomitization Episodes In Deep-Water Limestones of the Triassic Lagonegro Basin (Southern Italy): From Early Reflux To Tectonically Driven Fluid Flow
Tatyana Gabellone, Alessandro Iannace, Marta Gasparrini