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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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The Emptiness of the Stratigraphic Record: A Preliminary Evaluation of Missing Time In the Mesaverde Group, Book Cliffs, Utah, U.S.A.
Andrew Miall
Amplification of Shoreline Response To Sea-Level Change By Back-Tilted Subsidence
Elizabeth Hajek, Chris Paola, Andrew Petter, Abrar Alabbad, Wonsuck Kim
The Influence of A Lateral Slope On Turbidite Lobe Development On A Modern Deep-Sea Slope Fan (Villafranca Deep-Sea Fan, Tyrrhenian Sea)
Fabiano Gamberi, Marzia Rovere, Alessandra Mercorella, Elisa Leidi
Experimental Investigation On Self-Channelized Erosive Gravity Currents
Pierre Weill, Eric Lajeunesse, Olivier Devauchelle, François Métiver, Angela Limare, Benoît Chauveau, Dominique Mouazé
Modeling Tidal Bedding In Distributary-Mouth Bars
Nicoletta Leonardi, Tao Sun, Sergio Fagherazzi