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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Facies Relationships and Stratigraphic Architecture of Distal, Mixed Tide- and Wave-Influenced Deltaic Deposits: Lower Sego Sandstone, Western Colorado, U.S.A.
Berit Legler, Gary J. Hampson, Christopher A-L. Jackson, Howard D. Johnson, Benôit Y. G. Massart, Marcus Sarginson, Rodmar Ravnås
Grain-Size Components As Markers of Origin and Depositional Processes In the Coastal Zone of the Golfe Du Lion (Mediterranean Sea, France)
J. Paul Barusseau, Raphaël Braud
Genetically Related Incised Valleys and Deltas: Sequence and Modern Analogue Modeling From the Nonmarine Santa Barbara Coalfield, Late Pliocene, Italy
Alessandro Ielpi, Massimiliano Ghinassi
Diagenetic Evolution of Selected Parasequences Across A Carbonate Platform: Late Paleozoic, Tengiz Reservoir, Kazakhstan
J. A. D. Dickson, J. A. M. Kenter
Lithofacies, Parasequence Stacking, and Depositional Architecture of Wave- To Tide-Dominated Shorelines In the Frontier Formation, Western Wyoming, U.S.A.
Howard R. Feldman, J. Matthew Fabijanic, Barbara L. Faulkner, Kurt W. Rudolph
Settling Velocity and Grain Shape of Maërl Biogenic Gravel
Siddhi Joshi, Garret P. Duffy, Colin Brown