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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Growth Styles of Shelf-Margin Clinoforms: Prediction of Sand- and Sediment-Budget Partitioning Into and Across The Shelf
Chenglin Gong, Yingmin Wang, Ronald J. Steel, Cornel Olariu, Qiang Xu, Xiangnan Liu, Qianhui Zhao
Capturing Key Attributes of Fine-Grained Sedimentary Rocks In Outcrops, Cores, and Thin Sections: Nomenclature and Description Guidelines
O. Remus Lazar, Kevin M. Bohacs, Joe H. S. Macquaker, Juergen Schieber, Timothy M. Demko
Chemical Fingerprinting, A Precise and Efficient Method To Determine Sediment Sources
Dennis A. Darby, Wesley Myers, Stephen Herman, Brit Nicholson
Coevolution of Minibasin Subsidence and Sedimentation: Experiments
Bryant T Kopriva, Wonsuck Kim
Stratigraphic Record of River-Dominated Crevasse Subdeltas With Tidal Influence (Lajas Formation, Argentina)
Marcello GugliottA, Stephen S. Flint, David M. Hodgson, Gonzalo D. Veiga
Aragonite Crystal Fans In Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonates: A Case Study From Brazil and Implications For the Post–Snowball Earth Coastal Environment
Lucieth C. Vieira, Anne Nédélec, Sébastien Fabre, Ricardo I. F. Trindade, Renato Paes de Almeida
Sediments Beneath Multi-Year Sea Ice: Delivery By Deltaic and Eolian Processes
Molly F. Miller, Ziqian Fan, Samuel S. Bowser