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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Morphodynamic and Hydrodynamic Controls On the Stratigraphic Architecture of Intertidal Compound Dunes On the Open-Coast Macrotidal Flat In the Northern Gyeonggi Bay, West Coast Of Korea
Joohee Jo, Kyungsik Choi
Longshore Size Grading On A Boulder Beach
Andrew Green, Andrew Cooper, Leslee Salzmann
Co-Evolution of Volcanic and Lacustrine Systems In Pleistocene Long Valley Caldera, California, U.S.A.
Benjamin S. Murphy, Robert R. Gaines, Jade Star Lackey
Connections Between Fluvial To Shallow Marine Environments and Submarine Canyons: Implications For Sediment Transfer To Deep Water
Michael L. Sweet, Michael D. Blum
Diagenetic Origins of the Calcite Microcrystals That Host Microporosity In Limestone Reservoirs
Franek J. Hasiuk, Stephen E. Kaczmarek, Shawn M. Fullmer
Interplay of Structural, Climatic, and Volcanic Controls On Late Quaternary Lacustrine–Deltaic Sedimentation Patterns In the Western Branch of the East African Rift System, Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania
Cassy Mtelela, Eric M. Roberts, Robert Downie, Marc S. Hendrix
Sand Compositional Changes As A Support For Sequence-Stratigraphic Interpretation: The Middle Upper Pleistocene To Holocene Deposits of the Roman Basin (Rome, Italy)
Daniel Tentori, Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Salvatore Milli
Stylolites and Porosity In A Lower Cretaceous Limestone Reservoir, Onshore Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
Stephen N. Ehrenberg, Sadoon Morad, Liu Yaxin, Rulin Chen