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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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How To Interpret, Understand, and Predict Stratal Geometries Using Stratal-Control Spaces and Stratal-Control-Space Trajectories
Peter M. Burgess, Ron J. Steel
Clay-Coated Sand Grains In Petroleum Reservoirs: Understanding Their Distribution Via A Modern Analogue
Luke J. Wooldridge, Richard H. Worden, Joshua Griffiths, James E.P. Utley
The Maturity Myth In Sedimentology and Provenance Analysis
Eduardo Garzanti
Silica Diagenesis, Porosity Evolution, and Mechanical Behavior In Siliceous Mudstones, Mowry Shale (Cretaceous), Rocky Mountains, U.S.A.
Kitty L. Milliken, Terrilyn Olson
Heavy-Mineral Assemblages In Sandstone Intrusions: Panoche Giant Injection Complex, California, U.S.A.
Andrew Hurst, Andrew Morton, Anthony Scott, Mario Vigorito, Dirk Frei
Chronostratigraphic Correlation of Lacustrine Deposits Using 87SR/86SR Ratios, Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming, U.S.A.
M'bark Baddouh, Alan R. Carroll, Stephen R. Meyers, Brian L. Beard, Clark M. Johnson