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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Anatomy of A Shoreline Regression: Implications For the High-Resolution Stratigraphic Architecture of Deltas
R. Bruce Ainsworth, Boyan K. Vakarelov, James A. MacEachern, Franklin Rarity, Tessa I. Lane, Rachel A. Nanson
Quantitative Image Analysis For Geologic Core Description
Roger J. Barnaby
Continental Paleotemperatures From An Early Cretaceous Dolomitic Lake, Gansu Province, China
Marina B. Suarez, Gregory A. Ludvigson, Luis A. González, Hai-Lu You
The Role of Mass Wasting In the Progressive Development Of Submarine Channels (Espírito Santo Basin, Se Brazil)
Yongpeng Qin, Tiago M. Alves, José Constantine, Davide Gamboa
A Methodology For Determining Orientations In Unscribed Core
Robert W. Dalrymple, Laurent Godin
Ground-Penetrating-Radar Characterization and Porosity Evolution of An Upper Pleistocene Oolite-Capped Depositional Cycle, Red Bays, Northwest Andros Island, Great Bahama Bank
Colby S. Hazard, Scott M. Ritter, John H. McBride, David G. Tingey, R. William Keach, II
Nearshore Influences of Upwelling, Waves, and Currents On A Tropical Carbonate Ramp: Holocene, Northwestern Yucatán Shelf, Mexico
Jennifer G. Lowery, Eugene C. Rankey
The Importance of Microbial Binding In Neogene–Quaternary Steep Slopes
Jesús Reolid, Christian Betzler, Gregor P. Eberli, G. Michael Grammer