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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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The nonglacial diamictite of Toutswemogala Hill (lower Karoo Supergroup, central Botswana): Implications on the extent of the late Paleozoic ice age in the Kalahari–Karoo Basin

Pierre Dietrich, Fulvio Franchi, Larona Setlhabi, Rose Prevec, Marion Bamford

The stratigraphic evolution of onlap in siliciclastic deep-water systems: Autogenic modulation of allogenic signals

Euan L. Soutter, Ian A. Kane, Arne Fuhrmann, Zoë A. Cumberpatch, Mads Huuse

Methods for Restoring and Describing Ancient Clinoform Surfaces

Tore Grane Klausen, William Helland-Hansen

Sublacustrine geomorphology and modern sedimentation in a glacial scour basin, June Lake, eastern Sierra Nevada, U.S.A.

Eva C. Lyon, Michael M. McGlue, Edward W. Woolery, Sora L. Kim, Jeffery R. Stone, Susan R.H. Zimmerman

Subaqueous debrites of the Grand ConglomÉrat Formation, Democratic Republic of Congo: A model for anomalously thick Neoproterozoic: “Glacial” diamictites

Kirsten Kennedy, Nicholas Eyles

Tight coupling between the cyclicity of deep-water systems and rising-then-flat shelf-edge pairs along the submarine segment of the Qiongdongnan sediment-routing system

Chenglin Gong, Kun Qi, Yuan Ma, Dongwei Li, Nan Feng, Hongxiang Xu

“Grain-size bookkeeping,” a new aid for siliciclastic systems with examples from paralic environments

Tony Reynolds

A chronostratigraphic framework for the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, western U.S.A.

Susannah C.R. Maidment, Adrian Muxworthy

Closure of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethyan Ocean in the central Tibet: Results from the provenance of the Duoni Formation

Zhicai Zhu, Qingguo Zhai, Peiyuan Hu, Sunlin Chung, Yue Tang, Haitao Wang, Hao Wu, Wei Wang, Zhiqiang Huang, Haoyang Lee

Origin and distribution of dolomite in Permian Rotliegend siliciclastic sandstones (Dutch Southern Permian Basin)

Nicolaas Molenaar, Marita Felder