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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Lenticular-bedding-like bioturbation and the onshore recognition of carbonate drifts (Oligocene, Cyprus)
Jesús Reolid, Christian Betzler, Or M. Bialik, Nicolas Waldman
Fringe or background: Characterizing deep-water mudstones beyond the basin-floor fan sandstone pinchout
Kévin Boulesteix, Miquel Poyatos-Moré, David M. Hodgson, Stephen S. Flint, Kevin G. Taylor
Out-of-phase cyclical sediment supply: A potential causal mechanism for generating stratigraphic asymmetry and explaining sequence stratigraphic spatial variability
R. Bruce Ainsworth, Adam J. Vonk, Paul Wellington, Victorien Paumard
Pattern evolution and interactions in subaqueous dune fields: North Loup River, Nebraska, U.S.A.
Jasmine Mason, Benjamin T. Cardenas, Mackenzie D. Day, Max Daniller-Varghese, Sarah C. Brothers, Gary Kocurek, David Mohrig
Heavy-mineral provenance signatures during the infill and uplift of a foreland basin: An example from the Jaca basin (southern Pyrenees, Spain)
Xavier Coll, David Gómez-Gras, Marta Roigé, Antonio Teixell, Salva Boya, Narcís Mestres
Testing hypotheses on signatures of precipitation variability in the river and floodplain deposits of the Paleogene San Juan Basin, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Kristine L. Zellman, Piret Plink-Björklund, Henry C. Fricke
Lacustrine carbonate tufa facies of Winnemucca Dry Lake Basin, Nevada, U.S.A.
Laura M. DeMott, Christopher A. Scholz