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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Entrapment and transformation of post-bloom radiolarians in cyanobacterial mats as a factor enhancing the formation of black cherts in the Early Silurian sea
Barbara Kremer
Sedimentologic, stratigraphic, and structural evolution of minibasins and a megaflap formed during passive salt diapirism: The Neoproterozoic Witchelina diapir, Willouran Ranges, South Australia
C. Evelyn Gannaway Dalton, Katherine A. Giles, Mark G. Rowan, Richard P. Langford, Thomas E. Hearon, IV, J. Carl Fiduk
Sequence stratigraphy of the late Desmoinesian to early Missourian (Pennsylvanian) succession of southern Illinois: Insights into controls on stratal architecture in an icehouse period of Earth history
Christopher R. Fielding, W. John Nelson, Scott D. Elrick
Bioclastic accumulation in a lake rift basin: The Early Cretaceous coquinas of the Sergipe–Alagoas Basin, Brazil
Ariely L. Rigueti, Patrick Führ Dal' Bó, Leonardo Borghi, Marcelo Mendes
Tectonic and geomorphic controls on the lacustrine deposits of the Neogene Vinchina basin, northwestern Argentina
Sergio A. Marenssi, Carlos O. Limarino, Laura J. Schencman, Patricia L. Ciccioli