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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Stacked megafans of the Kalahari Basin as archives of paleogeography, river capture, and Cenozoic paleoclimate of southwestern Africa
Georg J. Houben, Stephan Kaufhold, Roy McG Miller, Christoph Lohe, Matthias Hinderer, Meike Noll, Jens Hornung, Reginalda Joseph, Axel Gerdes, Maria Sitnikova, Martin Quinger
Architecture of a river-dominated, wave- and tide-influenced, pre-vegetation braid delta: Cambrian middle member of the Wood Canyon Formation, southern Marble Mountains, California, U.S.A.
Jason G. Muhlbauer, Christopher M. Fedo
Pore-water chemistry: A proxy for tracking the signature of ongoing silica diagenesis
Shahab Varkouhi, Nicholas J. Tosca, Joseph A. Cartwright
Hierarchical scales of soft-sediment deformation in erg deposits, Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Moab area, Utah, U.S.A.
Marjorie A. Chan, Stephen T. Hasiotis, Judith Totman Parrish
Classification of paralic channel sub-environments in an ancient system using outcrops: The Cretaceous Gallup system, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Wen Lin, Curtis Ferron, Sean Karner, Janok P. Bhattacharya
Provenance of Cenozoic Indus Fan Sediments (IODP Sites U1456 and U1457)
Eduardo Garzanti, Sergio Andò, Giovanni Vezzoli
Similarities and contrasts between the subaerial and subaqueous deposits of subaerially triggered debris flows: An analogue experimental study
Tjalling de Haas, Nikoleta Santa, Sjoukje I. de Lange, Shiva P. Pudasaini
A general model for growth trajectories of linear carbonate platforms
Nicolas Goudemand, Pulkit Singh, Jonathan L. Payne
Controls on dolomitization in extensional basins: An example from the Derbyshire Platform, U.K.
Catherine Breislin, Stephen Crowley, Vanessa J. Banks, Jim D. Marshall, Ian L. Millar, James B. Riding, Cathy Hollis
Early Sevier orogenic deformation exerted principal control on changes in depositional environment recorded by the Cretaceous Newark Canyon Formation
Anne C. Fetrow, Kathryn E. Snell, Russell V. Di Fiori, Sean P. Long, Joshua W. Bonde
Lateral variability of shelf-edge and basin-floor deposits, Santos Basin, offshore Brazil
Michael J. Steventon, Christopher A-L. Jackson, David M. Hodgson, Howard D. Johnson
Submarine topographic control on distribution of supercritical-flow deposits in lobe and related environments, middle Eocene, Jaca Basin, Spanish Pyrenees
Pauline H. Cornard, Kevin T. Pickering
Neogene shallow-marine and fluvial sediment dispersal, burial, and exhumation in the ancestral Brahmaputra delta: Indo-Burman Ranges, India
Ryan Sincavage, Paul M. Betka, Stuart N. Thomson, Leonardo Seeber, Michael Steckler, C. Zoramthara