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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Interpreting the nature of the Aulet and Adons diapirs from sedimentologic and stratigraphic analysis of flanking minibasin strata, Spanish Pyrenees, Catalunya, Spain
C. Evelyn Gannaway Dalton, Katherine A. Giles, Josep Anton Muñoz, Mark G. Rowan
Fine-grained distal deposits of a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate marine system: Origin of mud and implications on mixing processes
Mariano N. Remírez, Luis A. Spalletti, Manuel F. Isla, Ernesto Schwarz
The influence of sediment supply on the stratigraphic evolution of an ancient passive margin deep-marine slope channel system, Windermere Supergroup, British Columbia, Canada
Patricia E. Fraino, R. William C. Arnott, Lilian Navarro
Contradictory coeval vertical facies changes in upper Miocene heterozoan carbonate–terrigenous deposits (Sierra de Gádor, Almería, SE Spain)
Fernando Sola, Juan C. Braga, Gunnar Sælen
Evaluation of Climatic and Tectonic Imprints In Fluvial Successions of An Early Permian Depositional System (Asselian VrchlabÍ Formation, Krkonoše Piedmont Basin, Czech Republic)
Kateřina Schöpfer, Roland Nádaskay, Karel Martínek
Multi-proxy provenance of the lower Pennsylvanian Pottsville sandstone of the northern Appalachian basin in Pennsylvania, U.S.A: Paleodrainage, sources, and detrital history
Shifat J. Monami, Ashraf Uddin, Willis E. Hames