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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Quantifying river avulsion activity from satellite remote sensing: Implications for how avulsions contribute to floodplain stratigraphy in foreland basins

Jeffery M. Valenza, Douglas A. Edmonds, Gary S. Weissmann

Stratal characteristic and depositional origin of two-part (Mud-poor overlain by mud-rich) and associated deep-water strata: Components in a lateral depositional continuum related to particle settling in negligibly sheared mud-rich suspensions

Jagabir Ningthoujam, Curran Wearmouth, R.W.C. Arnott

The geomorphological distribution of subaqueous tufa columns in a hypersaline lake: Mono Lake, U.S.A.

Claire E. Keevil, Mike Rogerson, Daniel R. Parsons, Ramon Mercedes-Martín, Alexander T. Brasier, John. J.G. Reijmer, Anna Matthews

Paralic sedimentology of the Mussentuchit Member coastal plain, Cedar Mountain Formation, central Utah, U.S.A.

Ryan T. Tucker, Celina A. Suarez, Peter J. Makovicky, Lindsay E. Zanno

Sediment transfer from shelf to deepwater slope: How does it happen?

Yuqian Gan, Flavio N. de Almeida, Júnior, Valentina M. Rossi, Ron J. Steel, Cornel Olariu

Sedimentological and geochemical characterization of microbial mats from Lagoa Vermelha (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Caio Bittencourt Guedes, Michele Correia Arena, Hélisson Nascimento dos Santos, Bruno Valle, Jeferson de Andrade Santos, Julia Favoreto, Leonardo Borghi