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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Quantitative analysis of crevasse-splay systems from modern fluvial settings
M. Mostafizur Rahman, John A. Howell, David I.M. MacDonald
Maastrichtian atmospheric pCO2 and climatic reconstruction from carbonate paleosols of the Marília Formation (southeastern Brazil)
Maurícius Nascimento Menezes, Patrick Führ Dal' Bó, Jon J. Smith, Amanda Goulart Rodrigues, Álvaro Rodríguez-Berriguete
Tectonostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental settings of host-replacing phreatic calcrete hardpans developed at basin margins in the Upper Devonian Kinnesswood Formation of southwest Scotland
Pierre Jutras
The supply-generated sequence: A unified sequence-stratigraphic model for closed lacustrine sedimentary basins with evidence from the Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, U.S.A.
James H. Gearon, Cornel Olariu, Ronald J. Steel
Oligocene–late Miocene basin evolution in the Yengejeh syncline in the Central Iranian Basin in response to the Arabia–Eurasia orogeny
Najmeh Etemad-Saeed, Mahdi Najafi, Negar Nasirizadeh