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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Uplifting mountains and shaking deserts: volcano-tectonic earthquakes revealed by soft-sediment-deformation structures in Upper Cretaceous aeolian deposits
Luciano Alessandretti, Lucas V. Warren, Filipe G. Varejão, Raul Rassi, Maurício G.M. Dos Santos, Mariana N.M. Silva, Fernando R. Honorato, Michele J.T. Estrada, João V.O. Cunha
Coastal switching of dominant depositional processes driven by decreasing rates of Holocene sea-level rise along the macrotidal coast of Gochang, SW Korea
Hyun HO Yoon, Woo Hun Ryang, Seung Soo Chun, Alexander R. Simms, Jin Cheul Kim, Tae Soo Chang, Dong-Geun Yoo, Seok-Hwi Hong
Grain size and mineral variability of glacial marine sediments
John T. Andrews, Wendy J. Roth, Anne E. Jennings
Sedimentology and stratigraphic evolution of fluvial–tidal transition reservoirs: an outcrop analog for the hydrocarbon-bearing Bahariya Formation, Western Desert, Egypt
Selim Saber Selim