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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Always a White Christmas in the Bahamas: temperature and hydrodynamics localize winter mud production on Great Bahama Bank

Sam J. Purkis, Amanda M. Oehlert, Thomas Dobbelaere, Emmanuel Hanert, Paul (Mitch) Harris

Lateral and temporal variations of a multi-phase coarse-grained submarine slope channel system, Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation, southern Chile

Guilherme Bozetti, Benjamin Kneller, Bryan T. Cronin, Pan Li, Adam McArthur, Jingping Xu

Warm acidified seawater: a dolomite solution

John M. Rivers

Decompositional processes of microbial carbonates in Lagoa Vermelha, Brazil

Fumito Shiraishi, Yusaku Hanzawa, Jiro Asada, Leonardo Fadel Cury, Anelize Manuela Bahniuk