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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
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Diagenetic evolution of secondary evaporites and associated host-rock dolostones in the Huron Domain (Michigan Basin): insights from petrography, geochemistry, and C-O-S-Sr isotopes
Ihsan S. Al-Aasm, Richard Crowe, Marco Tortola, Merve Özyurt
Insights into glendonite formation from the upper Oligocene Sagavanirktok Formation, North Slope, Alaska, U.S.A.
John W. Counts, Madeleine L. Vickers, M. Rebecca Stokes, Whittney Spivey, Kristina F. Gardner, Jean M. Self-Trail, Jared T. Gooley, Ryan J. McAleer, Aaron M. Jubb, David W. Houseknecht, Richard O. Lease, Neil P. Griffis, Martin Vickers, Kasia Śliwińska, Hannah G.D. Tompkins, Adam M. Hudson
Detrital signatures of clastic serpentinite in tectonically diverse settings and interpretation of an example from the Northern Apennines
Sonia Perrotta, Mirko Barone, Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Kitty L. Milliken, Vincenzo Perrone, Salvatore Critelli
Understanding siderite mineralization in phyllosilicate-associated cementations in the mid-Carboniferous Anadarko Basin clastic series, U.S.A.
Owen F. Smith, Branimir Šegvić, Dustin E. Sweet