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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

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Dolomite formation in the Miocene Kardiva platform, Maldives archipelago: a tale of closed-system and open-system dolomitization by current pumping of seawater

Juan Carlos Laya, David A. Budd, Kieron Prince, Carl Jacquemyn, Cameron Manche

Experiments on the settling of carbonate sand–mud suspensions

John J.G. Reijmer, Max De Kruijf, Arnoud Slootman, L. Jonathan Kranenburg, Rosa A. De Boer

Porosity and mineralogy in the Lajas tight gas sandstone reservoir, Neuquén Basin, Argentina

Nathan Lavauzelle, Marja Siitari-Kauppi, Paul Sardini, Didier Loggia, Juuso Sammaljärvi, Daniel Beaufort, Ana Laura Rainoldi, Daniel Minisini

Depositional-process controls on chemofacies in mixed-lithology submarine lobe deposits: a high-resolution core study from the Permian Wolfcamp XY Formation, Delaware Basin, Texas, U.S.A.

Shaskia Herida Putri, Zane Jobe, Jesse Melick, Lesli Wood, Marsha French

Paleoenvironmental conditions and evolution of a muddy turbidite system: an integrated sedimentological and ichnological analysis

José F. Cabrera-Ortiz, Javier Dorador, Francisco J. Rodríguez-Tovar, José N. Pérez-Asensio

Decadal architecture and morphodynamics of modern, river-fed turbidite systems: Bute Inlet and Congo Fan

Gustavo Lobato, George Postma, D. Gwyn Lintern, Ricardo S. Jacinto, Matthieu J.B. Cartigny

Origin, distribution, and significance of cements in the Miocene Vinchina Formation sandstones, Vinchina Foreland Basin, northwestern Argentina

Marianela Dìaz, Sergio A. Marenssi, Carlos O. Limarino

Quantification of internal heterogeneity across a submarine channel bend: a unique example from the late Tortonian Tachrift Channel Complex 5 (Taza–Guercif Basin, NE Morocco)

George Pantopoulos, Mattia Marini, Daniele Invernizzi, Imad El Kati, Adam D. Mcarthur, Fabrizio Felletti

Reevaluating the depositional model of the Cenomanian–Turonian Bridge Creek Limestone Member near Pueblo, Colorado, U.S.A.: roles of changing sedimentation rate on the formation of limestone–marl bedding couplets

Zhiyang Li, Jason Flaum

Floodplain topography and avulsion pathfinding control stratigraphic architecture in a numerical model of a fluvial fan

Caitlin Sifuentes, Harrison K. Martin, Kyle M. Straub, Elizabeth A. Hajek, Douglas A. Edmonds