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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Montana Geological Society
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ABSTRACT: A Geological/Mechanical Basis for Creating Fracture Reservoirs in the Bakken
Fred F. Meissner
ABSTRACT: Analysis of Horizontal Bakken Development
Jim Artindale
ABSTRACT: An Evaluation of Log Responses in the Bakken Shale
Monte Fryt
ABSTRACT: Application of MWD (Measuremeht-While-Drilling) Gamma Ray Logging to Horizontal Bakken Wells
Ronald D. Childers, Roy L. Clement
ABSTRACT: Computer Modeling of Bakken Fracture Systems
Dan Stright
ABSTRACT: Formation Resistivity as an Indicator of Oil Generation in the Bakken Shale*
Jim Schmoker
ABSTRACT: Fracture-Enhanced Porosity and Permeability Trends in Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, Western North Dakota
Wayne B. Freisatz
ABSTRACT: Horizontal Drilling in the Bakken: Boom or Bust?
Stuart Deans, Lee Scherer, John Pulley
ABSTRACT: Introduction to the Bakken Formation, U.S. and Canada (or How Far Does the Fairway Fly?)
William B. Hansen, George I. W. Long
ABSTRACT: Landsat Analysis Techniques, Some Applications for Bakken Exploration in the Williston Basin
Warren Shepard
ABSTRACT: Production from the Bakken Formation
Julie A. LeFever
ABSTRACT: Reservoir Properties of the Bakken Shale
Lorraine Druyff
ABSTRACT: Stimulation Treatments in the Bakken Formation
David D. Cramer
ABSTRACT: The Bakken Formation of the Williston Basin: Deposition, Maturation, and Fracturing
Joe Carlisle
Bakken Formation Short Course: Study Notes No. 1
William B. Hansen