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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
New Orleans Geological Society
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Beach Rock: Geological Observations
Richard J. Russell
Bio-Geology of a Living Coral Reef Complex on the Campeche Bank
Louis S. Kornicker, Donald W. Boyd
Carbonate Sediments of Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico and Vicinity
Robert L. Folk, Miles O. Hayes, Rikii Shoji
Physical Geography
Yucatan Platform, Robert C. West
Regional Geologic Summary of Yucatan Peninsula
Grover E. Murray, A. E. Weidie, Jr.
Stratigraphy of the Northern Part of the Yucatan Peninsula
F. Bonet, J. Butterlin
Submarine Topography of the Yucatan Platform
Brian W. Logan