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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Oklahoma City Geological Society
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An Assessment of Oklahoma's Oil & Gas Industry
C.M. Smith
Concluding a Two-Part Feature The Oklahoma City Geological Society, Inc. Library 1965-1978
Charles E. Branham
Early History of The Shale Shaker
Richard L. Roberts
A Follow-Up Ames Structure of Northwestern Oklahoma: Another Look
Marietta Basin Primer
Gary E. Henry
Paleokarst Characteristics of the Surface and Subsurface in the Viola Limestone (Ordovician), Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma
Michael Sykes
A Regional Correlation and Production Allocation Project within the Oklahoma Portion of the Anadarko Basin and Shelf with a Specific Discussion of the Springer and Chester Groups: DISCUSSION
Walter J. Hendrickson, Paul W. Smith, Craig M. Williams, Ronald J. Woods
Salinization of the Cleo Springs Water Well Field in Woods and Major Counties, Oklahoma
Carol J. Becker