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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Oklahoma City Geological Society
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2015 Update of Southern Mid-Continent Theses and Dissertations
Neil H. Suneson
Analysis of Paleokarst Sinkholes in the Arkoma Basin using 3-D Seismic
Michael Kumbalek
Case Study: Woodford Shale Source Rock Characterization by Geochemical and SEM Evaluation in a Horizontal Well
Tom Arnold, Andrew Sneddon, Sheng Wu, Andrei Deev, Yongchun Tang
Facies Analysis of the Woodford Shale in North Central Oklahoma
Joe Dixon
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of a Mid-Continent Mississippian Outcrop in Southwest Missouri
Miranda Childress, G. Michael Grammer
My Favorite Outcrop - Mississippian Tripolite
S. J. Mazzullo
Nuclear Frac’ing of Natural Gas Reservoirs in the U.S.: Geoscientist –Public Interaction
Neil H. Suneson
Petrology and Geochemistry of MVT Deposits in the Southwest Davis Zinc Field, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Jay M. Gregg, Natalie E. Gentry, Kevin L. Shelton
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Paleontology of the Midco Member, Wellington Formation (Permian –Sumner Group) of Oklahoma
Joseph D. Hall, Roy J. Beckemeyer, William J. May