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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Oklahoma City Geological Society

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Are Horizontal Wells Right For Development Of Groundwater Resources In The Garber-Wellington Aquifer?

James W. Roberts

The Blueschists of Bandon, Oregon

Andrew Cullen

The Discovery and Geology of the Potato Hills Gas Field, Latimer and Pushmataha Counties, Oklahoma

P. Paul Denney

Discussion of: My Favorite Outcrop(s): The Woodford Shale SH-77D: Le Couer de Arbuckle Mountains, O.K.

Sayantan Ghosh, Daniela Becerra, Roger Slatt

The Great Dakota Sandstone Wall, The Day The Earth Shook, White Smokers, The Colorado National Monument, And Viniculture On The Western Slope: A Colorado Journey

S. J. Mazzullo, Chellie S. Mazzullo

The Kimbell Ranch 32-1: Implications of a deep wildcat drilled near the Meers Fault in the Slick Hills of southwest Oklahoma, USA.

Andrew Cullen

My Favorite Outcrop(s): French Lake Outcrop, Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge

Andrew Cullen

My Favorite Outcrop: #14 Prisoner Quarry - Fort Sill, Oklahoma

Andrew Cullen

Regional Stratigraphy and Organic Richness of the Mississippian Meramec and Associated Strata, Anadarko Basin, Central Oklahoma

Joshua C. Miller, Matthew J. Pranter, Andrew B. Cullen

Some Observations on the Geochemical Character of STACK and SCOOP Oils

Carl Symcox, R. Paul Philp

Tanque Verde Falls, Santa Catalina-Rincon Mountains, Tucson AZ.

Andrew Cullen

Tectonic joint size, abundance, and connectivity: Examples from Woodford Shale and Hunton Limestone

Sayantan Ghosh, Roger M. Slatt

Thin Section: The Caney Sandstone from Philip’s Creek-One of Rick Andrews’ Favorite Outcrops.

Andrew Cullen