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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Oklahoma City Geological Society

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The Ames Hole

Craig Roberts, Bob Sandridge

The Ames Structural Depression: An Endogenic Cryptoexplosion Feature Along a Transverse Shear

John Coughlon, Paul Denney

An Analysis of Mesoscopic Structures in Selected Areas within the Potato Hills, Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma

Mark W. Allen

The Application of Gamma Ray Spectralog Analysis to a Study of Chase Group Strata in Stevens County, Southwestern Kansas

M.O. Almouslli, P.G. Sutterlin

Boggy-Thurman (Middle Pennsylvanian) Relationships-Sedimentological Evidence in the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma for the Time of Recurrent Uplift in the Ouachita Fold Belt

Perry B. White

Calculating Thrust-Fault Displacement in the Ouachita Mountains Frontal Belt, Oklahoma

Mark W. Allen

Coal Mining in the Western Midcontinent Coal Field

Frederick N. Murray

Depositional, Diagenetic, and Production History of the Upper Morrowan Buckhaults Sandstone, Farnsworth Field, Ochiltree County Texas

Timothy Wayne Munson

Depositional Environment, Petrology, Diagenesis and Petroleum Geology of the Cottage Grove Sandstone, North Concho Field, Canadian County, Oklahoma: (Part 1)

R. Bryan Waller

Depositional Environment, Petrology, Diagenisis and Petroleum Geology of the Cottage Grove Sandstone, North Concho Field, Canadian County, Oklahoma: (Part 2)

R. Bryan Waller

Documentation of the Evolutionary History of a Fourth Order Superimposed Stream Which has Become Adjusted to Structure Only During Major Tributary Development; Raymond Creek, Raymond Canyon, Sublette Range, Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt, Rocky Mountains, U.S.A.

William A. Shoemaker

Facies Analysis, Paleoenvironmental Interpretation, and Diagenetic History of Britt Sandstone (Upper Mississippian) in Portions of Caddo and Canadian Counties, Oklahoma

John Haiduk

Facies Analysis of the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Goodland and Lower Kiamichi Formations of Southeast Oklahoma

Richard Alan Neeley

Factors Controlling Simpson Group Production in Central Oklahoma: Part I

Paul Winston Smith

Factors Controlling Simpson Group Production in Central Oklahoma: Part II

Paul Winston Smith

Geochemical Dynamics of an Ephemeral Spring in Limestone, Red Bud Valley, Rogers County, Oklahoma

Sedimentary Geochemistry Class

Geometric Analyses and Balanced Cross Sections of the Arbuckle Mountains and Washita Valley Fault

Stephen J. Naruk Bellare

Groundwater Contamination from Abandoned Water Wells

Larry C. Simpson

The Ichnological Aspects of a Pennsylvanian Outcrop Occurring on the Muddy Boggy Creek Near Ada, Oklahoma

Douglas M. Schulte, R. L. Neman, Ph.D.

Local Tectonic Effects on Shoreline Sand Deposits

D.H. Mikkelson

Mississippian Facies Relationships Eastern Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma

Hugh William Peace

Paleokarstic Features and Reservoir Characterists of the Hunton Group in the Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma

Felicia Danuser Matthews

Petroleum Geology of the Arbuckle Group, Southern Osage and Eastern Pawnee Counties, Oklahoma: (Part I)

John H. Rountree

Petroleum Geology of the Arbuckle Group, Southern Osage and Eastern Pawnee Counties, Oklahoma: (Part II)

John H. Rountree

Petrology and Sedimentology of the Devonian Misener Formation, Northcentral Oklahoma: (Part II)

Billy Max Francis II

Petrology and Sedimentology of the Devonian Misener Formation, Northcentral Oklahoma: Part I

Billy Max Francis II

Regional Look at Hunton Production in the Anadarko Basin

Sherrill D. Howery

Reinterpretation of a Portion of the Potato Hills Geologic Map

Mark W. Allen

Relationship Between Parasitic Folds and Tectonic Evolution, Potato Hills, Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma

Mark W. Allen

Reservoir Characteristics of an Upper Hunton Gas-Producing Zone, Southwest Ringwood Area of Major County, Oklahoma

Charles E. Mear, Keith A. Hutton

Rules of Thumb Waterflooding in Central Kansas

Randall W. Koudele, G. Paul Wilhite

Stratiform Accumulations of Metallic Minerals

Bill Ellis

Style and Timing of Holocene Surface Faulting on the Meers Fault, Southwestern Oklahoma

Anthony J. Crone, Kenneth V. Luza

Subsurface Geology of the Frederick Area, Tillman County, Oklahoma

Stanley Paul Geurin

Subsurface Geology of the Frederick Area, Tillman County, Oklahoma: Part II

Stanley Paul Geurin

Syndeformational Magnetization in the Ordovician Bigfork Chert at Black Knob Ridge, Western Ouachita Mountains, Southern Oklahoma: (Part I)

Tony K. Hillegeist

Syndeformational Magnetization in the Ordovician Bigfork Chert at Black Knob Ridge, Western Ouachita Mountains, Southern Oklahoma: (Part II)

Tony K. Hillegeist

Theses: 1990-1994

U.S. Energy Statistics

Lee Lamar

Velma Shol-Vel-Tum Field Discovery

Harold J. Kleen

World Energy Statistics

Lee Lamar