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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Pacific Section of AAPG
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Bluebird Canyon Landslide, Laguna Beach, California
Robert Sydnor
Brief Description of the Geology of the Santa Ana Mountains
Commercial Production of Pipeline Quaility Gas at the Palos Verdes Landfill
Frederick C. Rise
General Geology, San Onofre Area
J. L. McNey
Geology and Paleontology of Palos Verdes Peninsula, California
Geology of the Proposed Camp Pendleton LNG Site San Diego County, California
Richard Berggreen
Landsliding Between Long Point and Whites Point on the Southerly Portion of Palos Verdes Peninsula California
Mark E. Bryant
The Late Cenozoic Evolution of the Capistrano Embayment
Perry Ehlig
Late Pleistocene Channel of the Lower Santa Margarita River San Diego County, California
Roy J. Shlemon
Late Quaternary Rates of Sedimentation and Soil Formation, Camp Pendleton - San Onofre State Beach Coastal Area, Southern California
Roy J. Shlemon
Summary of Geology of the San Joaquin Hills
J. G. Vedder
The “Basal Member of the Monterey Formation”, Lower Aliso Creek Area, Orange County, California
Donald L. Fife