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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Pacific Section of AAPG
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Cenozoic Depositional History of the Northern Continental Borderland of Southern California and the Origin of Associated Miocene Diatomites
James C. Ingle Jr.
Field Characterization of Rocks in the Monterey Formation Along the Coast Near Santa Barbara, California
Caroline M. Isaacs
Field Trip Guide for the Monterey Formation, Santa Barbara Coast, California
Caroline M. Isaacs
Lithostratigraphy of the Monterey Formation, Goleta to Point Conception, Santa Barbara Coast, California
Caroline M. Isaacs
Notes on Monterey Rocks Near Santa Maria, California
Kenneth A. Pisciotto
Outline of Diagenesis in the Monterey Formation Examined Laterally Along the Santa Barbara Coast, California
Caroline M. Isaacs
Stratigraphic and Sedimentologic Framework of the Monterey Formation, Pismo Syncline, California
Ronald C. Surdam, K. O. Stanley