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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Pacific Section of AAPG
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Cycle Landsliding at Wrightwood, Southern California - Excerpts from a Preliminary Report
D.M. Morton, R.H. Campbell
The Effects of the 1857 Fort Tejon Earthquake on Trees Near Wrightwood, California
Kristian E. Meisling, Kerry E. Sieh
Forecasting Southern California Earthquakes
C. B. Raleigh, K. Sieh, L. R. Sykes, D. L. Anderson
Geology and Man — San Bernardino-Cajon Pass Region
James E. Slosson, Cliffton H. Gray Jr.
The Great California Earthquake of 1857
Kerry E. Sieh
Holocene Rate of Slip and Tentative Recurrence Interval for Large Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault in Cajon Pass, Southern California
Ray J. Weldon II, Kerry E. Sieh
Homesteading in the Cajon Valley—1914-1917
Harry G. Stuveling Jr.
Implications of the Age and Distribution of the Late Cenozoic Stratigraphy in Cajon Pass, Southern California
Ray Weldon
Is California “Overdue” for a Great Earthquake?
Kerry E. Sieh
Landsliding and Mudflows at Wrightwood, San Bernardino County, California
D.M. Morton, M.P. Kennedy
Lateral Offsets and Revised Dates of Large Prehistoric Earthquakes at Pallett Creek, Southern California
Kerry E. Sieh
Miocene Faunas in the Lower Crowder Formation, Cajon Pass, California: A Preliminary Discussion
Robert E. Reynolds
Palmdale Bulge
Art Sylvester
Possible Emplacement History of a Sandblow Structure at Pallett Creek, California
Kristian E. Meisling
Prehistoric Large Earthquakes Produced by Slip on the San Andreas Fault at Pallett Creek, California
Kerry E. Sieh
Selected Papers of the Pacific Section AAPG 1983 Annual Meeting, Sacramento, California
Richard L. Hester, Donald E. Hallinger
Slip Along the San Andreas Fault Associated with the Great 1857 Earthquake
Kerry E. Sieh