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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Pacific Section of AAPG
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Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) for Oil Exploration Part 2. Detection of Asphaltenes Adsorbed on Reservoir Rock
G.W. Starke, S.W. Nicksic
Petroleum Potential of the Pacific Northwest
F. Tom Ise
The Resurrection of the Half Moon Bay Oil Field San Mateo County, California
A. J. Horn
Subsurface Pressure and Temperature Distributions: In Sacramento Basin, California
M. S. Lico, Y. K. Kharaka
Subsurface Stratigraphy: Eel River Basin, Humboldt County, California
Tom Hopps, Ed Horan
Trace Elements in Illitic Clay Fractions - Possible Clues to the Subtle Stratiagraphic Trap
Charles T. Walker, Luis S. Nunez, Janet L. G. Hammond