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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Pacific Section SEPM
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Appendix A—Abstracts of Papers Presented at the March 15, 16, 1979 SEPM Symposium on Cenozoic Paleogeography
Warren O. Addicott, John M. Armentrout, Mark R. Cole, Myrl Beck, Allan Cox, Robert G. Bohannon, William A. Buckovic, Bruce E. B. Cameron, Joseph C. Clark, H. Gary Greene, Peter J. Coney, Terry E. Davis, Perry L. Ehlig, Gary L. Lass, William R. Dickinson, Roy K. Dokka, Steven H. Lingrey, James M. Drummond, Don J. Easterbrook, Stephen E. Joseph, Keith W. Ehlert, James R. Firby, Thomas D. Fouch, Paul J. Fritts, Stephan A. Graham, Keith D. Berry, Roswitha B. Grannell, Donald C. Noble, Paul E. Hammond, Richard W. Hurst, Dennis R. Kerr, John M. Lohmar, John E. Warme, Geoffrey W. Nason, Robert J. Stull, Tor H. Nilsen, Edwin H. McKee, R. Lawrence Phillips, Charles J. Stuart, Donald A. Swanson, Thomas L. Wright, Robert M. Thorson, J. G. Vedder, D. G. Howell, J. A. Forman, Walter Wm. Wornardt Jr., Robert S. Yeats
Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Early Miocene Through Early Pleistocene Benthonic and Planktonic Foraminifera, San Joaquin Hills-Newport Bay-Dana Point Area, Orange County, California
James C. Ingle Jr.
Cenozoic Plate Tectonic Setting of the Cordilleran Region in the United States
William R. Dickinson
Cenozoic Tectonics of the Northeast Flank of the Santa Lucia Mountains from the Arroyo Seco to the Nacimiento River, California
Thomas W. Dibblee Jr.
Cenozoic Volcanism in the Newberry Mountains, San Bernardino County, California
Geoffrey W. Nason, Terry E. Davis, Robert J. Stull
Character and Paleogeographic Distribution of Upper Cretaceous(?) and Paleogene Nonmarine Sedimentary Rocks in East-Central Nevada
Thomas D. Fouch
Dispersal Patterns and Paleogeographic Implications of Lower and Middle Tertiary Fluviatile Sandstones in the Chiwaukum Graben, East-Central Cascade Range, Washington
John W. Buza
Doheny Channel and the Neogene Capistrano Submarine Fan, Dana Point, California
William R. Normark
Early Eocene Paleogeography of the Central San Joaquin Valley: Origin of the Cantua Sandstone
Stephan A. Graham, Keith D. Berry
The Eocene Deltaic System of West-Central Washington
William A. Buckovic
Eocene Depositional Systems, San Diego, California
Martin H. Link, Gary L. Peterson, Patrick L. Abbott
Eocene Depositional Systems, San Diego; Frontmatter and Roadlogs
Patrick L. Abbott
Eocene Molluscan Stages and Their Correlation, San Diego Area, California
Charles R. Givens, Michael P. Kennedy
An Eocene Shelf Margin: San Diego County, California
John M. Lohmar, John E. Warme
Factors Influencing the Distribution and Facies of Cenozoic Marine Sediments Along the West Coast of British Columbia, Canada
James M. Drummond
Fission Track Evidence for a Miocene Cooling Event, Whipple Mountains, Southeastern California
Roy K. Dokka, Steven H. Lingrey
Geology of the Coronado Islands Northwestern Baja California, Mexico
Thomas N. Lamb
Geology of the Los Lobos Thrust, Southern Salinas Valley, California
James E. Gribi
A Guidebook to Miocene Lithofacies and Depositional Environments, Coastal Southern California and Northwestern Baja California; Frontmatter and Roadlogs
Charles J. Stuart
The Last Glaciation of Northwest Washington
Don J. Easterbrook
The Late Mesozoic-Early Tertiary Framework of Continental Sedimentation, Northern Peninsular Ranges, Baja California, Mexico
John A. Minch
Lithofacies and Origin of the San Onofre Breccia, Coastal Southern California
Charles J. Stuart
Middle Miocene Paleogeography of Coastal Southern California and the California Borderland — Evidence from Schist-Bearing Sedimentary Rocks
Charles J. Stuart
Middle Miocene Sedimentation on the Southwestern Edge of the Lockwood High, Monterey County, California
Robert E. Garrison, Richard G. Stanley, Lawrence J. Horan
Miocene and Pliocene Inner Suprafan Channel Complex, San Clemente, California
Gordon R. Hess
Miocene Extension in Southern California: Evidence from Eocene Deposits and from Paleomagnetism
Robert S. Yeats
Miocene Strata and Their Relation to Other Rocks Santa Catalina Island, California
J. G. Vedder, D. G. Howell, J. A. Forman
Miocene Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the San Onofre Area and Their Tectonic Significance
Perry L. Ehlig
Morphologic Analysis of Gabilan Mesa by Iterative Contour-Generalization: An Improved Method of Geomorphic Cartographic Analysis
John C. Dohrenwend
Neogene Paleogeography of the Monterey Bay Area, California
H. G. Greene, J. C. Clark
Neogene Paleogeography of the Western United States
Mark R. Cole, John M. Armentrout
Oligocene Molluscan Biostratigraphy of the Indians, Santa Lucia Range, Central California
Warren O. Addicott
Pacific Coast Paleogeography Field Guide 4: Tertiary and Quaternary Geology of the Salinas Valley and Santa Lucia Range, Monterey County, California; Frontmatter and Roadlogs
S. A. Graham
Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium 3: Cenozoic Paleogeography of the Western United States; Frontmatter and Index
John M. Armentrout, Mark R. Cole, Harry TerBest Jr.
Paleocene Submarine Fan Deposits of the Indians Ranch Area, Monterey Co., California
J. W. Ruetz
Paleoecology of a Protected Biotope from the Eocene Mission Valley Formation, San Diego County, California
Thomas A. Demere, Frederick A. Sundberg, Frederick R. Schram
Paleogene Paleogeography of the Western United States
Tor H. Nilsen, Edwin H. McKee
Paleophytogeography of the Diatom Annellus californicus and Its Significance in Terms of the California Tertiary
Walter Wm. Wornardt Jr.
Petrographic Evidence of a Sonoran Source for Upper Paleogene Conglomerates in Southern California
Richard Merriam
Petrology of Paleogene Nonmarine Sandstone Units in Washington
Virgil A. Frizzell
Petrology of Some Eocene Sandstones, San Diego, California
Patrick L. Abbott, Brian M. Smith, Nowell A. Briedis, Thomas E. Moore
Provenance and Paleodrainage of the Northern Part of the Paso Robles Formation, Monterey County, California
John C. Dohrenwend
Salt Weathering Textures in Eocene Conglomerates, Southwestern California
Gary L. Peterson
Sedimentologic Aspects of the Eocene Poway-Type Conglomerates
Martin H. Link, David G. Howell
Sedimentology of the Rocks Sandstone and Eocene Paleogeography of the Northern Santa Lucia Basin, California
Martin H. Link, Tor H. Nilsen
Shelf Edge Deposits of the San Diego Embayment
John M. Lohmar, Jeffrey A. May, Jannette E. Boyer, John E. Warme
Silicoflagellate Biostratigraphy in the Back Bay Section, Newport Beach, California
William C. Cornell
Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Paleogene Rocks Near Elko, Nevada
Barry J. Solomon, Edwin H. McKee, David W. Andersen
Stratigraphy and Lithofacies of the Sweetwater and Rosarito Beach Formations, Southwestern San Diego County, California and Northwestern Baja California, Mexico
Robert C. Scheidemann Jr., Herman T. Kuper
Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Santa Susana Fault Zone, Transverse Ranges, California
Robert S. Yeats
Strike-Slip Faults of the Lake Mead Region of Southern Nevada
Robert G. Bohannon
A Tectonic Model for Evolution of the Cascade Range
P. E. Hammond
Terrestrial Vertebrates from the Later Eocene of San Diego County, California: A Conspectus
Michael J. Novacek, Jason A. Lillegraven
Tertiary Evolution of Cordilleran Metamorphic Core Complexes
Peter J. Coney
Tertiary Paleotectonics and Paleogeography of the Salinian Block
Stephan A. Graham
Tertiary Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments Near Indians Ranch, Monterey County, California
Stephan Alan Graham
Tidal Channel Deposits of Middle Eocene Age, Torrey Pines State Reserve, California
H. Edward Clifton
The Topanga Formation in the San Joaquin Hills, Orange County, California
John G. Vedder