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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Pacific Section SEPM

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Benthic Foraminiferal Zonation and Correlations of Upper Cretaceous Strata of the Great Valley of California - A Modification

Alvin A. Almgren

Biogenic Opal Ge/Si Ratios as a Tracer of Upwelling Intensity in the Monterey Formation, Newport Bay, California

Richard J. Murnane

Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of the Naples Bluff Coastal Section Based on Diatoms and Benthic Foraminifera

R. G. Arends, G. H. Blake

The Bisbee Basin and Its Bearing on Late Mesozoic Paleogeographic and Paleotectonic Relations Between the Cordilleran and Caribbean Regions

William R. Dickinson, Margaret A. Klute, Peter N. Swift

The Cretaceous Paleogeography of Peninsular California and Adjacent Mexico

R. Gordon Gastil, Richard H. Miller, Maria Campa Uranga

Cretaceous Paleogeography of Western North America

Tor H. Nilsen

Cretaceous Stratigraphy Western North America; Frontmatter

Patrick L. Abbott

Depositional Environments of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Strata Near Nacimiento Lake, Central California Coast Ranges

Karen Grove

Diatom Biostratigraphy from Diatomaceous Dolomites and Shales in the Monterey Formation, Rodeo Canyon, Point Pedernales and Lion’s Head Sections Southwestern Santa Barbara County, California

Walter W. Wornardt

Geologic Transect Across the Western Transverse Ranges; Frontmatter and Roadlogs

Thomas L. Davis, Jay S. Namson

Geology of the San Emigdio Mountains, California

Thomas W. Dibblee Jr.

Geology of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks Near Lake Nacimiento, California; Frontmatter

Karen Grove, Stephen Graham

Late Albian Dinoflagellate Assemblages from Outliers of the Great Valley Sequence and the Central Belt Franciscan Complex, Northern California

Joyce Lucas-Clark

Late Coniacian to Early Campanian Clastic Shelf Deposits and Molluscan Assemblages of the Northeastern Sacramento Valley, California

John S. Russell, Sarah L. Baum, Rodney Watkins

Late Cretaceous (Santonian/Campanian) Calcareous Nannofossils from the Forbes Formation Along Salt Creek, Western Sacramento Valley, California

Mark V. Filewicz

Maastrichtian Foraminifers from Near Lake Nacimiento California - Their Paleoenvironmental Interpretation and Regional Correlation

William V. Sliter

Mesozoic Sedimentary Rocks in the Vizcaino Peninsula-Isla de Cedros Area, Baja California, Mexico

James R. Boles

Middle Tertiary Depositional Systems of the San Emigdio Range, Southern California (A Field Guide)

Peter G. DeCelles

Miocene Foraminifera from the Hurricane Deck Area, Santa Barbara Co., California

Martin B. Lagoe

The Modern California Current System and Radiolarian Responses to “Normal” (Anti-El Nino) Conditions

R. E. Casey, T. L. Carson, A. L. Weinheimer

Mollusks of Latest Cretaceous and Paleocene Age, Lake Nacimiento, California

LouElla R. Saul

Organic Matter in Limestone and Melange Matrix from the Franciscan and Cedros Subduction Complexes

D. K. Larue

Pacific West Coast Cretaceous Molluscan Faunas: Time and Aspect of Changes

LouElla R. Saul

Paleoceanographic Reconstructions from Radiolarian-Bearing Baja California and Adjacent Sections

Ana Maria Perez-Guzman, Richard E. Casey

Phaeodarian Radiolarians as Potential Indicators of Thermal Maturation

R. E. Casey

The Pleasants Sandstone Member (Williams Formation, Santa Ana Mountains): A Southern California Upper Cretaceous Shelf Sandstone

Eugene J. Enzweiler, David J. Bottjer

Preliminary Report: Phaeodarian Radiolarians as Indicators of Recent and Ancient (Monterey) Anoxic Events in California

Lorinda E. Driskill

Punta Baja Formation, A Campanian Submarine Canyon Fill, Baja California, Mexico

Jon E. Boehlke, Patrick L. Abbott

Radiolarian Indicators of El Nino and Anti-El Nino Events in the Recent Sediment of the Santa Barbara Basin

A. L. Weinheimer

Radiolarian Indices of Physical and Chemical Oceanographic Phenomena in Recent Sediments of the Southern California Continental Borderland

M. N. Cleveland, R. E. Casey

Radiolarian Paleoceanographic Studies of the Humboldt Basin and Adjacent Areas

C. O. Nelson

Radiolarian Response to the 1983 California El Nino

T. L. Carson

Reconstruction of the California Current at 5, 8, and 10 Million Years B.P. Using Radiolarian Indicators

C. R. Domack

Sedimentation and Subsidence Styles in a Cretaceous Forearc Basin, Southern Vizcaino Peninsula, Baja California, (Mexico)

Cathy J. Busby-Spera, James R. Boles

Sedimentology and Provenance of the Upper Cretaceous Rosario Formation South of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

A. Bryce Cunningham, Patrick L. Abbott

Siliceous Microfossil and Microplankton Studies of the Monterey Formation and Modern Analogs; Frontmatter and Introduction

Richard E. Casey, John A. Barron

Siliceous Microfossil Extraction from Altered Monterey Rocks

C. O. Nelson, R. E. Casey

Stratigraphic Nomenclature and Time-Rock Relationships in the Paleogene Rocks of the San Emigdio Mountains

Martin B. Lagoe

Stratigraphy of the Redding Formation of North-Central California and Its Bearing on Late Cretaceous Paleogeography

James W. Haggart

Structural Geology of the Franciscan Complex of the Crescent City Area, Northern California

K. R. Aalto

Structural Geology of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks Near the Nacimiento Fault, Northwest of Lake Nacimiento, California

Victor M. Seiders

A Structural Outline of the San Emigdio Mountains

Thom Davis

Updated Diatom Biostratigraphy for the Monterey Formation of California

John A. Barron

Zoogeography, Paleozoogeography, and Evolution of the Radiolarian Genus Spongaster in the North Pacific

T. L. Carson, R. E. Casey