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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Pacific Section SEPM
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Chronostratigraphic Calibration of the Pacific Coast Cenozoic: A Summary
Donald R. Prothero
Geologic Excursions in Southwestern California
George Dunne, John Cooper
Geologic Excursions in the California Deserts and Adjacent Transverse Ranges
George Dunne, John Cooper
Holocene Shoreline Change and Sediment Supply in Mugu Lagoon/Barrier System, California
James L. Sadd, Ronald Karpilo
Magnetic Stratigraphy and Land Mammal Biochronology of the Nonmarine Facies of the Pliocene San Diego Formation, San Diego County, California
Hugh M. Wagner, Bradford O. Riney, Thomas A. Demere, Donald R. Prothero
Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Lower Miocene (Type Saucesian) Rincon Formation, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, California
Donald R. Prothero, Stacey G. Rapp
Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Lower Oligocene Pittsburg Bluff Formation, Columbia County, Oregon
Donald R. Prothero, Karina G. Hankins
Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Oligocene Alsea, Yaquina, and Nye Formations, Lincoln County, Oregon
Donald R. Prothero, Clio Z. Bitboul, George W. Moore, Alan R. Niem
Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Upper Middle Eocene Cowlitz and Hamlet Formations, Western Oregon and Washington
Donald R. Prothero, Elizabeth Nesbitt, Alan R. Niem, Derik Kleibacker
Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Upper Oligocene-?Lower Miocene (Type Pillarian Stage) Clallam Formation, Clallam County, Washington
Donald R. Prothero, Casey Burns
Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Upper Oligocene Pysht Formation, Clallam County, Washington
Donald R. Prothero, Ashley Streig, Casey Burns
Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Upper Paleocene Pattiway Formation, Caliente Range, San Luis Obispo County, California
Donald R. Prothero, Robert B. Vacca
Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Upper Paleocene San Francisquito Formation, Los Angeles County, California
Donald R. Prothero, Robert B. Vacca
Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Upper Paleocene Silverado Formation, Orange County, California
Donald R. Prothero, Ruben A. Lopez
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Late Pliocene Mammal-Bearing Deposits from Gypsum Ridge, San Bernardino County, California
Hugh M. Wagner, Donald R. Prothero
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Lower-Middle Eocene Domengine, Avenal, and Yokut Sandstones, Western San Joaquin Basin, Fresno and Kings Counties, California
Donald R. Prothero
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Miocene Astoria Formation, Lincoln County, Oregon
Donald R. Prothero, Clio Z. Bitboul, George W. Moore, Ellen J. Moore
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Lower Middle Eocene (Type Ulatisian) Vacaville Shale, Solano County, California
Donald R. Prothero, Earl E. Brabb
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Lower Miocene (Early Hemingfordian) Sespe-Vaqueros Formations, Orange County, California
Donald R. Prothero, Linda L. Donohoo
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Lower Oligocene Tunnel Point Formation, Coos Bay, Southwestern Oregon
Donald R. Prothero, Linda L. Donohoo
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Middle Eocene Point of Rocks Sandstone (Ulatisian and Type Narizian Stages), Western San Joaquin Basin, California
Donald R. Prothero
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Middle Eocene Santiago Formation, San Diego and Orange Counties, California
Donald R. Prothero
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Oligocene Type Zemorrian Stage, Temblor Formation, Kern County, California
Donald R. Prothero, Jennifer L. Resseguie
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Pacific Coast Cenozoic; Frontmatter and Introduction
Donald R. Prothero
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Type Refugian Stage (Late Eocene-Early Oligocene), Western Santa Ynez Range, Santa Barbara County, California
Donald R. Prothero, Matthew Thompson
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Upper Eocene-Upper Oligocene Lincoln Creek Formation, Porter Bluffs, Washington
Donald R. Prothero, Christopher D. Jaquette, John M. Armentrout
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Upper Eocene Wagonwheel Formation, Kern County, California
Donald R. Prothero, Joey Sutton
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Upper Middle Eocene (Ulatisian-Narizian) Humptulips Formation, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Donald R. Prothero, John M. Armentrout, Paul Pearson
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene (Type Wishkahan-Graysian) Montesano Formation, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Donald R. Prothero, Jordan N. Lau
Magnetic Stratigraphy of the Upper Miocene (Wishkahan) Empire Formation, Coos County, Oregon
Donald R. Prothero, Jordan N. Lau, John M. Armentrout
Magnetic Stratigraphy of Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene Soda Lake Shale Member of the Vaqueros Formation, Caliente Range, San Luis Obispo County, California
Donald R. Prothero, Jonathan Hoffman
Magnetostratigraphy of the Eocene-Oligocene San Lorenzo and Vaqueros Formations, Santa Cruz Mountains, California: Implications for California Biostratigraphic Zonations
Donald R. Prothero, Joey Sutton, Earl E. Brabb
Modern and Ancient Barrier, Lagoonal, and Marine Environments, Ventura County, California; Frontmatter, Introduction and Field Trip Log
Donald R. Prothero
The Nature of Barrier Coasts—A Brief Review
Mario V. Caputo
Paleomagnetism of the Fernando Formation (Pliocene-Pleistocene), Ventura Basin, California
Joseph C. Liddicoat
Paleomagnetism of the Middle-Upper Miocene Monterey Formation, Shell Beach, Pismo Basin: Implications for the Age an Origin of the Monterey and Tectonic Block Rotation in Central Coastal California
Sheraz Omarzai Khan, Robert S. Coe, John A. Barron
Paleomagnetism of the Monterey (Miocene) and Fernando (Pliocene-Pleistocene) Formations, Balcom Canyon, Ventura Basin, California
Joseph C. Liddicoat
Paleomagnetism of the Sespe Formation (Eocene-Oligocene), Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, California
Joseph C. Liddicoat
Paleomagnetism of the Upper Eocene Gries Ranch Formation, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Donald R. Prothero, Casey Burns
Paleomagnetism of the Upper Paleocene Locatelli Formation, Santa Cruz County, California: Implications for Tectonic Rotation of the Northern Salinian Block
Donald R. Prothero, Ruben A. Lopez