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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

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Aeromagnetic Techniques and Interpretation Applied to Fold Belt Exploration - Bara Aeromagnetic Survey, Papua New Guinea

G. L. Scotford, D. A. Pratt, Z. Shi

Commercial Implications of an LNG Project in Papua New Guinea

Gordon Sandison

Correlation Sections of the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Succession in the Papuan Fold Belt, Papuan Basin: Sequence Stratigraphic Framework, Concepts and Implications for Exploration and Exploitation

Sam Madu

Current Environmental Legislation, Proposals for Reform and Compensation to Landowners for Environmental Damage

M. L. Wright

Darai Limestone Depositional History and Strontium Chronostratigraphy, Papuan Fold Belt, Papua New Guinea

L. I. Eisenberg, J. C. Phelps, T. L. Allan, J. A. Trotter, M. J. Korsch, D. J. Whitford

Darai Limestone Formation of the Western Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea: Well Strontium Profiles, Wireline Log/Strontium Ratio Correlations, and a Chronostratigraphic Reference Section

G. L. Valenti, G. Francis

The Development and Pricing Evolvement of Kutubu Light Crude Oil

R. H. Osborne, M. McWalter

Development of an Infill Well Program to Maximise Economic Return from the Iagifu-Hedinia Field: Part I. Integrated Structural, Stratigraphic, and Reservoir Attribute Modelling as Input to Reservoir Simulation and Well Targeting

S. P. Franklin, J. E. Livingston

Development of an Infill Well Program to Maximise Economic Return from the Iagifu-Hedinia Field: Part II. Development of Infill Well Production Forecasts With a Full Field History Matched Simulation Model

R. E. Fitzmorris

The Escalation of Landowner Benefits in the Kutubu Petroleum Development Project

A. P. Power, P. C. Hagen

Evolution of the Papuan Basin - A View from the Orogen

H. L. Davies, R. D. Winn, P. KenGemar

Extreme Overpressures and Anomalous Fluid Densities from RFT Pressure Surveys in Papua New Guinea Wells: Some Results and Implications

B. Kota, D. Trattner, P. Woyengu, P. K. Webb

Flaring in Papua New Guinea – Designing to Accommodate Environmental Constraints

Michael Berridge

Formation Water Systems in the Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea

Takeru Kotaka

Front Matter: Proceedings of the 3rd PNG Petroleum Convention, 1996

Peter G. Buchanan

Gas Commercialisation Projects

G. J. Dodds, S. A. Strickland

Gas Ratio Interpretation – An Update and Rethink

S. Kloah, P. K. Webb

Genetic Classification and Exploration Significance of Oils and Seeps of the Papuan Basin

D. W. Waples, K. J. Wulff

The Giero Sandstone: A Potentially New Play in the Papuan Basin

J. Sari, R. Failing, K. Wulff

Horizontal Well Drilling in the Kutubu Project, Papua New Guinea

M. S. DeVries, R. D. Parrish, J. L. Ryan

Hydrocarbons in New Guinea, Controlled by Basement Fabric, Mesozoic Extension and Tertiary Convergent Margin Tectonics

K. C. Hill, R. J. Simpson, R. D. Kendrick, P. V. Crowhurst, P. B. O’Sullivan, I. Saefudin

Iagifu 3X/8X Toro Block Reservoir Performance Evaluation - Case Study

S. A. Azizi-Yarand, J. E. Livingston

The Importance of Pre-Tertiary Basin Architecture for Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt: Models, Analogues and Implications

Mike W. Fischer, John Warburton

The Influence of Pre-Existing Basin Architecture in the Development of the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt: Implications for Petroleum Prospective

Peter G. Buchanan, John Warburton

Initiatives to Limit Lost Time Injuries during Seismic Acquisition in the Papuan Fold Belt

S. J. Price

Integrated Geological and Engineering Evaluation of the Gobe Fields: Part I. Structural, Stratigraphic and Reservoir Modelling as Input to Development Planning and Well Targeting

Stan P. Franklin, Ken C. Richards, William F. Robinson IV

Integrated Geological and Engineering Evaluation of the Gobe Fields: Part II. Reservoir Simulation and Development Plan

S. A. Azizi-Yarand

Integrated Structural and Stratigraphic Analysis in PPL 175, Papuan Fold Belt, Papua New Guinea

R. C. N. Thornton, J. K. Emmett, J. A. Lyslo, R. R. Gottschalk

The Integration of Exploration Techniques in Petroleum Prospecting Licences PPL 123, 156, 176 and 177 within the Onshore and Offshore Papuan Gulf Region of Papua New Guinea

J. N. Parkin, S. M. T. Marsh, W. L. Wardlaw

Kikori Integrated Conservation and Development Project: Sustaining the Environment and Promoting Conservation and Sustainable Development Alongside the Kutubu Joint Venture Petroleum Development

T. Leary, R. Naug, J. Price

The Kutubu Project: Challenges of the Next 150 Million Barrels

K. F. Wali

Late Neogene Bathyal Depocentres in Mainland Papua New Guinea

D. W. Haig

LWD Resistivity Modelling and Geosteering for Horizontal Well Planning and Drilling, Iagifu-Hedinia Field, Papua New Guinea

J. Edwards, J. E. Livingston, S. P. Franklin, T. Eme, R. Kila, D. Kisombo, S. Madu

Oil Exploration in Papua and the Mandated Territory of New Guinea: Introduction

M. McWalter

Palaeo-Rift Controls on Mechanisms of Isostatic Compensation in the Papuan Fold Belt

D. Harrison, J. Milsom

Pandora Gas Development

A. R. Carroll, E. Webb

Papua New Guinea Refinery Proposals

Ian D. M. Taylor

The Petroleum Business in Papua New Guinea a 1996 Perspective

P. R. Botten

Petroleum Exploration - A Global Perspective

J. L. Hall

Petroleum Fiscal Regime of Papua New Guinea - An International Comparision

Ashok Jain

A Petroleum Systems Analysis of the Sepik and Ramu Basins of Northern Papua New Guinea

Ramsay A. Barrett

Physical-Model Investigation of the Influence of Early Extensional (Growth) Faults on Fold-Thrust Structures, with Application to the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt

J. M. Dixon

Potential of Palynostratigraphy for Neogene Basin Analysis in Papua New Guinea

H. K. Waterhouse

Rainforest Regeneration: Kutubu Petroleum Development Project, Papua New Guinea

A. C. Hartley

Recent Slimhole Drilling Success in Papua New Guinea – Paua 1X

E. R. Denning, A. H. Warrington, P. McDowell

Rifting in the Timor Sea and New Guinea: A Template for Compressional Forward Modelling

G. T. Cooper, K. C. Hill, K. Baxter

Rw, Reserves and Timing of Oil Charge in the Papuan Fold Belt

F. W. Krieger, P. J. Eadington, L. I. Eisenberg

Safety and the Environment at Kutubu - A Success Story

G. M. Moari, S. K. Era

Seismic Acquisition in the Papuan Fold Belt: A New Approach

G. S. Hill, S. J. Price, M. S. Foster, R. W. Stephenson, D. Ellis, J. A. Lyslo

Sequence Stratigraphy and Sandstone Geometry of the Toro and Imburu Formations, within the Papuan Fold Belt and Foreland

J. P. P. Hirst, C. A. Price

Strike Oriented, Swath Seismic and Its Potential Application to Exploration and Development in the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt

William F. Robinson IV

Strontium Isotope Analysis and Structural Interpretation of P’nyang Anticline, Papuan Fold Belt, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea

Len Eisenberg

Strontium Isotope Chronostratigraphy and Geochemistry of the Darai Limestone: Juha 1X Well, Papua New Guinea

D. J. Whitford, T. L. Allan, A. S. Andrew, S. J. Craven, P. J. Hamilton, M. J. Korsch, J. A. Trotter, G. L. Valenti

Structural and Sequence Geometry of the Kiunga Area, Papuan Foreland Basin, Papua New Guinea

S. A. Kawagle, J. B. Meyers

Structure of the Western Papuan Fold Belt

R. A. Mason

Triangle Zone Deformation at the Leading Edge of the Papuan Fold Belt

D. M. Medd

Unitisation of the SE Gobe Field: The First Unitisation in PNG and the Lessons Learned

R. G. Marcellus