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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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"What's in the Pipeline for Queensland"
B. P. McCaul
The Adavale Basin Queensland
R. J. Paten
Bowen Basin
M. J. Mahoney
The Cooper Basin in Queensland
R. A. Laws
Current Queensland Drilling & Completion Practices
S. S. Derrington
Exploration and Development Finance — How Much, From Where?
A. E. Ranson
Galilee Basin - Prospect Review
P. J. Hawkins
The Geoseis System
Tim. A. Magub
Hydrocarbon Potential of the South Eastern Georgina Basin
Maurice L. P. Cadart
The Pedirka Basin - Prospects in Queensland
S. B. Devine, Bridget C. Youngs
Prospects for Coal Conversion
D. J. Nicklin
Queensland Petroleum — The Potential Demand
Grahame L. Baker
Seismic Prospecting Review and Reflections on Future Events
L. W. Pfitzner
Surat Basin - Petroleum Potential and Prospects
C. R. Porter, K. R. Seedsman, M. J. Wiltshire, S. L. Keenihan, S. M. Ashton