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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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Exploration in ATP 549P Northeastern Cooper Basin
R. J. Hall, R. Wecker
Exploration in Central Queensland
R. A. Meaney
Gas Supplies Post 1996 - A Utility Perspective
Greg Breen
Justice v Politics Native Title After 3 Years
Denis Gately
Oil and Gas Opportunities in the Bodalla Block
I. R. Mortimore
Open Access to Pipelines
Denis Gately
Recent Exploration in the Western Bowen/Surat Basins
Ian Garside
Review of Coal Seam Methane Exploration in Queensland During 1994/95
S. G. Scott
Review of Petroleum Explorationand Development in Queensland 1994--95
C. Taylor
South West Queensland Exploration
Andrew F. Mayers
Status of SWQ Pipeline Project
Bob Odjen
Surat-Bowen Basin East Flank Exploration and New Developments
Raymond James
Where do we see the Pipeline Industry Going in Australia
Brad Lingo