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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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Energy Equity's Presence in the Queensland Petroleum Scene
Malcom Boardman
Environmental Issues Relating to Petroleum Exploration in Queensland
Graeme Bartrim
Exploration, Development and Production Activities in the Cooper and Eromanga Basins: 1996--1997
Andrew Mayers
Exploration, Development and Production Activities in the Denison Basin: 1996--1997
Ashley Edgar
An Independent's View of Queensland Petroleum
Ron Prefontaine
Mosaic's Presence in the Queensland Petroleum Scene
John Carmody
New Gas Activity - An End User's Perspective
Barry Kelly
The PNG Gas Pipeline to North Queensland
Ron Black
Recent Developments in Coal Seam Gas in Queensland
James H. Butler
Review of Petroleum Exploration and Development in Queensland: 1996--1997
Geoff Dickie
Sequence Boundaries of the Early Triassic Rewan Group, Bowen Basin
P. V. Grech
Status of Queensland Gas Pipeline Developments
Stephen Ohl