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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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100 Years of Queensland Petroleum
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association Limited
Abstract: Environmental Regulation of Exploration and Development in the Cooper/Eromanga Basins
Andrew Walter
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of Wave-Dominated Continental Shelf Margins
Sherrilea Ramsay
Environmental Regulation of the Petroleum Industry in the New Millennium — The Queensland Model
Leanne Bowie
Exploration, Development and Production Activities in the Cooper and Eromanga Basins: 1998–1999
Teof Rodrigues
Exploration, Development and Production Activities in the Denison Trough: 1998–1999
Bonnie Lowe-Young
Impediments to Onshore Exploration
Roger Meaney
Investing in the Energy Sector
Andrew Williams
Potential Unconventional Gas Resources in the Lord Howe Rise Region
Philip Symonds, Howard Stagg, Ingo Pecher, Neville Exon, Sabrina Van de Beuque, Irina Borissova, Jean-Marie Auzende
Queensland's New Petroleum Legislation: Changes and Opportunities
Luke Sorby
Recent Developments in Coal Seam Gas in Queensland
Andrew Falkner
Review of Petroleum Exploration and Development in Queensland: 1998–1999
Peter Green
Status of the Stuart Oil Shale Project
Graham Pope