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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

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3D Structural Analysis of Hydrocarbon Migration in the Vulcan Sub-Basin, Timor Sea

G. Chen, K. C. Hill, N. Hoffman

Abstract: Application of K/Ar and Rb/Sr Geochronology to Constrain the Timing of Sedimentary Deposition and Diagenesis: Preliminary Results from Western Australian Basins

H. Zwingmann, B. Hatcher

Abstract: Diagenesis Impacts Fluid Pressures, Reservoir Quality, and Seal Integrity of Deep Jurassic Targets, Norwegian Sea

J. C. Matthews, H. M. Helset

Abstract: Restoration of a Deepwater Profile from the Browse Basin: Implications for Structural-Stratigraphic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Prospectivity

K. C. Hill, N. Hoffman

Abstract: The Tectono-Stratigraphic History of the Northern Margins of the Australian Plate from the Carnarvon Basin to Papua New Guinea

M. S. Norvick

Application of Combined Fluorescence and Reflectance (CFR) Analysis to Thermal Maturity Assessment in the Barrow and Dampier Sub-Basins, Western Australia

A. R. Kaiko

Applications of Methylated Naphthalenes: Resolving Mixtures of Crude Oils

B. G. K. van Aarssen, T. P. Bastow, R. Alexander, R. I. Kagi

Assessing a Basin's Potential for Geological Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide: An Example from the Mesozoic of the Petrel Sub-Basin, NW Australia

C. M. Gibson-Poole, S. C. Lang, J. E. Streit, G. M. Kraishan, R. R. Hillis

Basal Oligocene Channelling, Barrow Sub-Basin, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia

J. D. Gorter, D. J. Hearty, J. P. Rexilius, S. L. Powell

Basin Development with Implications for Petroleum Trap Styles of the Neoprotorezoic Officer Basin, Western Australia

S. N. Apak, K. A. R. Ghori, G. M. Carlsen, M. K. Stevens

Blina Oil Field, Canning Basin

K. E. Jonasson, R. F. Reiser

Canning Basin Grant Group Glaciogenic Sediments: Part of the Gondwanan Permo-Carboniferous Hydrocarbon Province

J. Redfern, B. P. J. Williams

The Cliff Head Oil Discovery - Offshore Perth Basin

N. T. Jones, A. D. Hall

Coal Seam Gas Distribution in the Moranbah-German Creek Coal Measures, Bowen Basin, Queensland

Joan Esterle, Ray Williams

Conodont Biostratigraphy and Palaeogeography of the Triassic on the Western, Northwestern and Northern Margins of the Australian Plate

R. S. Nicoll

Controls on the Trap Integrity of the Skua Oil Field, Timor Sea

A. Gartrell, M. Lisk, J. Underschultz

Core Promises in Exploitation — Moonie Oil Field

Jochen Kassan

Current Status and Future Direction of Petroleum Exploration and Development in Queensland: 2001–02

Bureau of Mining, Petroleum

Development of a Solid-Phase Biodegradation Assay for Drilling Fluids under Tropical Conditions

J. Woodworth, L. Evans, Y. Tsvetnenko

Documentation and Refinement of the Middle to Late Cretaceous Calcareous Nannofossil and Foraminiferal KCCM Zonation

R. J. Campbell, R. W. Howe, J. P. Rexilius, C. B. Foster

Effects of Igneous Activity in the Offshore Northern Perth Basin - Evidence from Petroleum Exploration Wells, 2D Seismic and Magnetic Surveys

J. D. Gorter, I. Deighton

Estimating Formation Water Salinity from Wireline Pressure Data: Case Study in the Vulcan Sub-Basin

J. R. Underschultz, G. K. Ellis, A. Hennig, E. Bekele, C. Otto

Evidence for an Early, Marine-Sourced Oil Charge to the Bayu Gas-Condensate Field, Timor Sea

S. C. George, M. Lisk, P. J. Eadington, R. A. Quezada

Extended Abstract: A Fresh Look at an Old Structure — The Spring Grove-2 Discovery

Barry Smith

Extended Abstract: Borehole Image Log Interpretation: Making the Most of Your Data and Understanding its Limits; An Illustration Using Shallow and Deep Marine, Fluvial, and Carbonate Depositional Environments

A. A. Bal, K. A. A. van Noord, P. V. Grech, J. D. Prosser

Extended Abstract: Current and Future Gas Markets in Queensland

Bruce White

Extended Abstract: Reducing Uncertainty with Palaeogeographic Mapping Using Integrated 3D Seismic and Sequence Stratigraphy — Examples from the Baryulah Field Area, Cooper Basin

Simon C. Lang, Nathan Ceglar, Gregg Spencer, Stephen Forder, Jochen Kassan

Extended Abstract: Revised Tectonic Evolution of the Northwest Shelf of Australia and Adjacent Abyssal Plains

C. Heine, R. D. Müller, M. Norvick

Extended Abstract: Tidally Influenced Deposition on the Delta Plain: Lower Cretaceous Barrow Group Sandstones, Barrow Sub-Basin, Northern Carnarvon Basin

A. J. Bond, N. Mader, F. E. Burns, M. Thompson, A. D. George

Geochemical Evolution of Formation Water in the Talisman Oil Field, North West Shelf, Australia: Implications for Oil Exploration and Production

G. K. Ellis

Geohistory of the North West Shelf: A Tool to Assess the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Motion of the Australian Plate

G. D. Borel, G. M. Stampfli

Geological History of the Western Barrow Sub-Basin: Implications for Hydrocarbon Entrapment at Woollybutt and Surrounding Oil and Gas Fields

D. J. Hearty, G. K. Ellis, K. A. Webster

A Heat Flow Map of the Dampier Sub-Basin

G. R. Beardsmore, M. J. Altmann

Historical Perspective of Hydrocarbon Volumes in the Westralian Superbasin - Where are the Next Billion Barrels?

E. Kopsen

Historical Perspective of Hydrocarbon Volumes in the Westralian Superbasin - Where are the Next Billion Barrels?

E. Kopsen

Hydraulic Fracturing in Coals — Can the Data Assist Us in Better Understanding Reservoir Complexities in Coal Seam Methane Reservoirs?

Ray Johnson, Jr., Thomas Flottmann, David Campagna

Hydrocarbon Accumulation Processes in the Dampier Sub-Basin as Revealed by Polar Compounds

T. P. Bastow, B. G. K. van Aarssen, R. Alexander, R. I. Kagi, K. Liu

Hydrocarbons and Mississippi Valley-Type Sulfides in the Devonian Reef Complexes of the Eastern Lennard Shelf, Canning Basin, Western Australia

M. W. Wallace, H. A. Middleton, B. Johns, S. Marshallsea

Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Early Cretaceous Aquifers in the Barrow Sub-Basin in Relation to Hydraulic Continuity and Fault Seal

A. L. Hennig, J. R. Underschultz, C. J. Otto

An Integrated Approach to Drilling In-Fill Wells in a Mature Gas Field

Bimal Wanigaratne, David Collier, Janny Spilsbury-Schakel, Mohammad Kabir

Integrated Approach to Platform-Basin Correlation and Deciphering the Evolution of Devonian Reefs, Northern Canning Basin, Western Australia

A. D. George, N. Chow, K. M. Trinajstic

John Brookes Gas - The Voyage to Discovery

K. Auld, B. Thomas, J. Goodall, L. Elliott, J. Benson

Late Early to Mid Miocene Patch Reefs, Ashmore Platform, Timor Sea - Evidence from 2D and 3D Seismic Surveys and Petroleum Exploration Wells

J. D. Gorter, J. P. Rexilius, S. L. Powell, S. W. Bayford

Neogene Tectonic and Structural Evolution of the Timor Sea Region, NW Australia

M. Keep, M. Clough, L. Langhi

New Ideas on the Petroleum Potential of the Southern Georgina Basin

Greg Ambrose

New Royal Field — What have we Learned?

Renee Harvey

The North West Shelf of Australia - A Woodside Perspective

I. M. Longley, C. Buessenschuett, L. Clydsdale, C. J. Cubitt, R. C. Davis, M. K. Johnson, N. M. Marshall, A. P. Murray, R. Somerville, T. B. Spry, N. B. Thompson

Overcoming Historical Biases: An Integrated Geological and Engineering Assessment of the Coniston Prospect, Exmouth Sub-Basin

N. Smith, C. Dempsey, M. Jackson, J. Preston

Palaeokarst, Pseudokarst, and Sequence Stratigraphy in Devonian Reef Complexes of the Canning Basin, Western Australia

P. Playford

Palynological Zonation and Correlation of the Latest Triassic, Northern Carnarvon Basin

J. Backhouse, B. E. Balme, R. Helby, N. G. Marshall, R. Morgan

Peri-Gondwanan Permian Correlations: The Meso-Tethyan Margins

N. W. Archbold

Petroleum Exploration in Western Australia

W. L. Tinapple

Pressure Seal and Deep Overpressure Modelling in the Barrow Sub-Basin, North West Shelf, Australia

S. He, M. Middleton

Prospectivity of the Peedamullah Shelf and Onslow Terrace Revisited

R. P. Iasky, A. J. Mory, K. A. Blundell, K. A. R. Ghori

Recent Activities in Queensland 2001–2002

Mark Webster

Recent Discoveries in the Barrow Sub-Basin: Linda, Gipsy, North Gipsy, Rose, Lee, Gibson, Simpson, South Plato, Double Island, Victoria, Little Sandy, Pedirka and Hoover

Apache Energy Ltd

Rough Range Oil Field, Carnarvon Basin

G. K. Ellis, K. E. Jonasson

Sedimentology of the Mungaroo Formation in the Echo-Yodel Field: A Borehole Image Perspective

A. A. Bal, J. D. Prosser, T. J. Magee

Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution of the Albian to Recent Section of the Dampier Sub-Basin, North West Shelf Australia

J. N. F. Hull, C. M. Griffiths

Similarities and Differences in the Tectonics of Two Passive Margins: The Northeast Atlantic Margin and the Australian North West Shelf

A. G. Doré, I. C. Stewart

Subsidence and Thermal History Modelling: New Insights into Hydrocarbon Expulsion from Multiple Petroleum Systems in the Petrel Sub-Basin, Bonaparte Basin

J. M. Kennard, I. Deighton, D. S. Edwards, C. J. Boreham, A. G. Barrett

Surat Basin Coal Seam Gas — Past, Present and Future

Steven Scott

Tectonic and Volcanic History of the Carnarvon Terrace: Constraints from Seismic Interpretation and Geodynamic Modelling

R. D. Müller, D. Mihut, C. Heine, C. O'Neill, I. Russell

Tertiary Foundations and Quaternary Evolution of Coral Reef Systems of Australia's North West Shelf

L. B. Collins

Trace Fossils as Tools in Glauconitic Reservoirs: Examples from the Lower Cretaceous of the Carnarvon Basin, North West Shelf

F. E. Burns

Use of Aromatic Compound Distributions to Evaluate Organic Maturity of the Proterozoic Middle Velkerri Formation, Mcarthur Basin, Australia

S. C. George, M. Ahmed

The Vines 1 Stratigraphic Drillhole, Central Officer Basin, Western Australia

M. K. Stevens, S. N. Apak, K. Grey, K. A. R. Ghori, K. Blundell

The Walloon CSM Play — A Gas Resource with World-Class Potential

Ron Prefontaine

Woollybutt 2001: A Geoscience Odyssey

D. J. Hearty, M. A. Battrick