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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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3D Vertical Seismic Profiling Acquired Using Fibre-Optic Sensing DAS - Results from the CO2CRC Otway Project

Julia Correa, Barry Freifeld, Roman Pevzner, Andrej Bona, Konstantin Tertyshnikov, Thomas Daley, Michelle Robertson, Dmitry Popik

Abstract: Coal in NSW

Kevin Ruming

Abstract: Comparing Shale Gouge Ratio and Juxtaposition Analysis Using Stochastic Trap Analysis: Examples from Gippsland, Taranaki, Otway and Southern North Sea Basins

Titus Murray, Dave Richards, Bill Power, Tony Johnson, Greg Christie

Abstract: Feasibility of Seismic Monitoring of CCS in Perth Basin

Stanislav Glubokovskikh, Andrej Bona, Roman Pevzner, Anton Egorov, Ludovic Ricard

Abstract: High Impact Data Creates High Impact Opportunities

Peter Baillie

Abstract: Innovative Exploration in Papua New Guinea; past, present and future

Kevin C Hill

Abstract: Laurel Gas Play, Canning Basin - Recent Stratigraphic Learnings

Simon Sturrock, Mark Devereux, Keith Martens, June Then, Fionna McNee, David Long

Abstract: Multi-component seismic: applications and new developments

Natasha Hendrick

Abstract: New Regional Data and Advances in Understanding of the Stratigraphy, Tectonics, Structure and Prospectivity of the Gulf of Papua (Papua New Guinea)

Dariusz Jablonski, Mark Ballesteros

Abstract: Resource Growth Through Petroleum Exploration in PNG

John Warburton, Jeremy Iwanec, Julianne Lamb, Douglas Waples, Keiran Wulff

Abstract: Tertiary Deep-Water Coral Supports Cold Seeps in the Ceduna Sub-Basin

Laurent Langhi, Julian Strand, Andy Ross, Karen Gowlett-Holmes, Emanuelle Frery, April Pickard

Abstract: The Role of Diagnostic Fracture Injection Testing to Improve Reservoir Evaluation and Stress Characterisation in Compressive Stress Regimes

Raymond L. Johnson

Airborne Gravity Gradiometer Survey over the Pelarang Anticline, Onshore Kutai Basin, Indonesia

Asbjorn Norlund Christensen, Hannah Booth, Cameron Jones, Seda Rouxel, Leonhard Bow Kocijan, Balakrishnan Kunjan

Analysis of Time-Lapse Seismic and Production Data for Systematic Reservoir Model Classification and Assessment

Rafael Souza, David Lumley, Jeffrey Shragge, Alessandra Davolio, Denis Schiozer

Application of time-lapse full waveform inversion of vertical seismic profile data for the identification of changes introduced by CO2 sequestration

Anton Egorov, Andrej Bóna, Roman Pevzner, Stanislav Glubokovskikh, Konstantin Tertyshnikov

Automatic Fracture Identification using X-ray Images

Ankita Singh, Xiao Lu, Ryan Armstrong, Peyman Mostaghimi

Borehole gravity in Horizontal Wells

Andrew J. Black, Jennifer Hare

Broadband Least-Squares Wave-Equation Migration

Shaoping Lu, Andrew Long, Alejandro Valenciano, Nizar Chemingui

CA-IDTIMS and biostratigraphy: Their impact on exploration

John Laurie, Jim Crowley, Tegan Smith, Dan Mantle, Simon Bodorkos, Geoff Wood, Bob Nicoll

Canning Basin - Petroleum Systems Analysis

Andrew Murray, Casey Edwards, David Long

Characterisation of focused gas hydrate accumulations from the Pegasus Basin, New Zealand, using high-resolution and conventional seismic data

Andrew R. Gorman, Patrick T. Fletcher, Dylan Baker, Douglas R.A Fraser, Gareth J. Crutchley, Stuart A. Henrys

Compressional evolution of the PNG margin from an orogenic transect from Juha to the Sepik

Kevin Hill, Luke Mahoney

Controls on Mesozoic rift-related uplift and syn-extensional sedimentation in the Exmouth Plateau

Hayley Rohead-O'Brien, Chris Elders

Cooper Basin Deep Coal - the New Unconventional Paradigm: Deepest Producing Coals in Australia

B.A. Camac, J Benson, V Chan, A Goedecke

Could the Mesoproterozoic Kyalla Formation Emerge as a Viable Gas Condensate Source Rock Reservor Play in the Beetaloo Sub-Basin?

Carl Altmann, David Close, Brenton Richards, Elizabeth Baruch, Mohinudeen Faiz, Alexander Cote

Depositional, diagenetic and mineralogical controls on porosity development in the Ungani Field, Canning Basin

June Then, Maja Buschkuehle, Moyra E.J. Wilson, Ronell Carey, Iain Copp

The Discovery and Development of Oil Rim Fields in the Beibu Gulf, China

Andrew Fernie, Frank Zhou, Rick McCarthy, Gavin Douglas

Discovery Through the Ages - A Journey of Coal Resource Discovery in Queensland's Bowen Basin from the 1960's and the 2000's

Darren Walker, Lex Hansen

A double double-porosity model for wave propagation in patchy-saturated tight sandstone with fabric heterogeneity

Jing Ba, Mengqiu Guo, Wenhao Xu, Fengyuan Sun, Lin Zhang, Wei Cheng

The Effect of Deep Burial and Folding on Sandstone Reservoirs in some Giant Gas Fields, South America

Gregory Smith, Maxim Lebedev, Reza Rezee, Stefan Iglauer

The effect of flexural isostasy on delta architecture: implications for the Mungaroo Formation

Sara Morón, Tristan Salles, Stephen Gallagher, Louis Moresi

Evidence for Glacial and Polar Impacts in the Permian Coal Measures of the Sydney Basin

Malcolm Bocking

Evolution of "Tres Hombres" - A Mid-crustal Dome Structure within the Jurassic Northern Beagle Sub-basin Western Australia: An Integrated Geophysical Investigation

Gerry O'Halloran, Chris Hurren, Chris Paschke, Robert Scott, Craig Dempsey, Guimin Liu

Evolving Exploration Methods in the Hydrocarbon Play Within the Patchawarra Formation on the Western Flank, Cooper Basin

Johann Soares, Christopher Webb

Fibre-Optic VSPS: Borehole Seismic Revolution in Australia

Konstantin Galybin, Tsunehisa Kimura, Fargana Exton

Fraccing Onshore Australia

Max Williamson

Geochemistry of storing CO2 and NOx in the deep Precipice Sandstone

J. K. Pearce, I. Altaf, D. Kirste, S.D. Golding, G.K.W. Dawson, J. Undershultz

Geomechanical prestack depth migration of the Kraken 3D (Browse Basin, Australia)

Jarrod Dunne, Ferudun Kilic, Matthew Zengerer, Pramod Kumar, Hamish Stein, Shiv Pujan Singh, Stephen Gallagher

Geophysical and geological characterisation of dredge locations from RV Southern Surveyor voyage ss2012_v06 (ECOSATI): hotspot activity in northern Zealandia

Maria Seton, Sebastien Meffre, Simon Williams, Steven Micklethwaite, Nick Mortimer, Sabin Zahirovic

High frequency refraction/reflection full-waveform inversion case study from North West Shelf offshore Australia

David Dickinson, Fabio Mancini, Xiang Li, Kai Zhao

Impact of artificially matured organic matter on the dielectric and elastic properties of compacted shales

Matthieu Cauchefert, Stephanie Vialle, Joel Sarout, Matthew Josh, Maxim Lebedev, Bruce Maney, Lionel Esteban, Jeremie Dautriat

Impact of artificially matured organic matter on the dielectric and elastic properties of compacted shales

Matthieu Cauchefert, Stephanie Vialle, Joel Sarout, Matthew Josh, Maxim Lebedev, Bruce Maney, Lionel Esteban, Jeremie Dautriat

Impact of sequence stratigraphy on static and dynamic reservoir models: examples from the Precipice-Evergreen succession, Surat Basin, Queensland

Andrew D. La Croix, Vahab Honari, Sebastian Gonzalez, Jim Underschultz, Andrew Garnett

The influence of reverse-reactivated normal faults on porosity and permeability in sandstones: a case study at Castle Cove, Otway Basin

Natalie Debenham, Rosalind C. King, Natalie J. C. Farrell, David Healy, Simon P. Holford

The influence of reverse-reactivated normal faults on porosity and permeability in sandstones: a case study at Castle Cove, Otway Basin

Natalie Debenham, Rosalind C. King, Natalie J. C. Farrell, David Healy, Simon P. Holford

Integrated Seismic (IS) for Shale Gas Exploration and Management

Shastri L. Nimmagadda, Paola Andrea Cardona Mora, Said Hanafy

Integrating geophysical monitoring data into multiphase fluid flow reservoir simulation

Trevor P. Irons, Brian J.O.L. McPherson, Nathan Moodie, Rich Krahenbuhl, Yaoguo Li

Integration of Downhole Geophysical and Lithological Data from Coal Exploration Drill Holes

Brett J Larkin

Interpretation of a Permian conjugate basin margin preserved on the outer Northwest Shelf of Australia

Christopher A Paschke, Christopher Hurren, Gerard O'Halloran, Craig Dempsey

Investigation of Possible Shallow Gas Accumulations Associated with Pockmarks on the Otago Slope Southeast of New Zealand

Jasper Hoffmann, Andrew Gorman, Gareth Crutchley

Isotope Constraints on Intra-Basin Correlation and Depositional Settings of the Mid-Proterozoic Carbonates and Organic-Rich Shales in the Greater McArthur Basin, Northern Territory, Australia

Juraj Farkas, Maxwell Bullen, Grant Cox, Alan Collins, William Giuliano, Sandra Menpes, Juergen Gusterhuber, Belinda Smith

Least Square Q-Kirchhoff Migration: Implementation and Application

Xiaodong Wu, Yi Xie, Joe Zhou, Dechun Lin, Yu Wang

Linear Trends of Paleo-Pockmarks and Fluid Flow Pipes in the Jurassic and Triassic Sediments of Offshore Northwest Australia

Tayallen Velayatham, Simon Holford, Mark Bunch

Mapping Northern Australia's Present Day Stress Field: The Canning Basin

Adam Bailey, Paul Henson

Marine Vibrator Concepts for Modern Seismic Challenges

Andrew Long, Rune Tenghamn

Mesozoic to Cenozoic Depositional Environments & Fluid Migration Within the Caswell Sub-basin: Key Insights from New Interpretation & Modelling of the Schild Phase 2 3d

Jarrad Grahame

A method for assessing earth model uncertainty in the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

Edward Lewis, Dennis van der Burg, Tony Martin, Lorenzo Russo, Tony Bell

Methods for reducing unwanted noise (and increasing signal) in passive seismic surveys

Tim Dean, Aidan Shem, Mus'ab Al Hasani

Modelling and visualising distributed crustal deformation of Australia and Zealandia using GPlates 2.0

R. Dietmar Müller, Sabin Zahirovic, Crystal S. Williams, Samuel H. J. Russell, Simon E. Williams

Modelling complex near-surface features to improve shallow seismic exploration.

Shaun Strong

Modelling Reservoir deliverability within the Northern Beagle Sub-basin, Western Australia

Christopher Hurren, Christopher A. Paschke, Gerard O'Halloran, Kylie Kirk

A New Computational Model to Predict Breakdown Pressures in Cased and Perforated Wells in Unconventional Reservoirs

Mohammed Kurdi, Hamid Roshan

New Insights into a major Early-Middle Triassic Rift Episode in the NW Shelf of Australia

Malcolm MacNeill, Neil Marshall, Chris McNamara

New method for monitoring steam injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and for finding sources of geothermal heat

Gordon Stove, G. Colin Stove, Michael Robinson

A new system for efficiently acquiring vertical seismic profile surveys

Tim Dean, Nghia Nguyen, Brenton Armitage, Huw Rossiter

Next Generation Reservoir Engineering

Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, Xiao Chen, Thomas Poulet, Manolis Veveakis, Hamid Roshan

Onshore Inventory - Targeting New Basins (Officer, Perth, Canning Basins)

Lidena Carr, Tehani Palu, Takehiko Hashimoto, Alfredo Chirinos, Adam Bailey, Paul Henson

On the Geothermal Potential of the Heyuan Fault, South China

Lisa Tannock, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb

An Optimised Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment on Challenging Rizq Field

Muhammad Asad Pirzada, Hamid Roshan, Faisal Saleem, Abdul Haseeb, Mohammed Kurdi

Organic geochemistry and petroleum potential of Permian outcrop and core samples from the southern Sydney Basin

Simon C. George, Shirin Baydjanova, Bronwyn C. Campbell, Brave Manda

The Permian and Carboniferous extensional history of the Northern Carnarvon Basin and its influence on Mesozoic extension

Sam McHarg, Amy I'Anson, Chris Elders

Petroleum Plays of the Bowen and Surat basins

Alison Troup, Neal Longdon, Justin Gorton

Plio-Pleistocene river drainage evolution in New Guinea. Implications for reservoir mineralogy predictions

Gilles Brocard, Tristan Salles, Sabin Zahirovic, Patrice Rey

Portable X-ray diffraction for unconventional and conventional petroleum exploration

Dane Burkett

Predicting and Detecting Carbonate Cemented Zones Within Latrobe Group Reservoirs of the Gippsland Basin

Mark Bunch

Predicting Structural Permeability in the Deep Coal Play, Tirrawarra-Gooranie fields, Cooper Basin

C.J. Bowker, B.A. Camac, S.A. Fraser

Quantifying Gas Content in Coals Using Borehole Magnetic Resonance

Spencer Summers, Tom Neville, Dennis Huo, Benjamin Birt, Tim Hopper, Soumyajit Mandal

Quantitative Interpretation: Use of Seismic Inversion Data to Directly Estimate Hydrocarbon Reserves and Resources

James Shadlow, Adam Craig, David Christiansen, Robert Mitchell

Ranking DHI attributes for effective prospect risk assessment applied to the Otway Basin, Australia

Sebastian Nixon, Tony Hallam, Andrew Constantine

Regional Jurassic sediment depositional architecture, Browse Basin: Implications for petroleum systems

Nadège Rollet, Dianne Edwards, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Tehani Palu, Lisa Hall, Jennifer Totterdell, Chris Boreham, Andrew Murray

Regional migration and trapping frameworks in the frontier ceduna sub-basin: new insights from stratigraphic forward modelling and 'triangle juxtaposition' diagrams

Laurent Langhi, Emanuelle Frery, Julian Strand, Andrew Ross

Reservoir Modelling, Structural History and Volumetrics of the Jerboa Area, Eyre Sub-Basin

Jordan McGlew, Gregory Smith

Rock-physics based time-lapse inversion in Delivery4D: synthetic feasibility study for CO2CRC Otway Project

Stanislav Glubokokvskikh, James Gunning, Tess Dance, Roman Pevzner, Dmitry Popik, Christian Proud

Sedimentary Characteristics and Lithological Trap Identification of Distant Braided Delta Deposits: A Case on Upper Cretaceous Yogou Formation of Termit Basin, Niger

Zhao Ning, Huang Jiangqin

Seismic diffraction imaging for improved coal structure detection in complex geological environments

Binzhong Zhou, Weijia Sun

Shelf-margin architecture and shoreline processes at the shelf-edge: Controls on sediment partitioning and prediction of deep-water deposition style

Victorien Paumard, Julien Bourget, Tobi Payenberg, Bruce Ainsworth, Simon Lang, Henry W. Posamentier, Annette D. George

Shelf-margin architecture and shoreline processes at the shelf-edge: Controls on sediment partitioning and prediction of deep-water deposition style

Victorien Paumard, Julien Bourget, Tobi Payenberg, Bruce Ainsworth, Simon Lang, Henry W. Posamentier, Annette D. George

Solid substitution: theory versus experiment

Yongyang Sun, Maxim Lebedev, Vassili Mikhaltsevitch, Stanislav Glubokovskikh, Stefan Iglauer, Boris Gurevich

The Stratigraphic Architecture, Distribution and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Organic Rich Kyalla and Velkerri Shales of the Upper Roper Group (McArthur Basin)

Mattilda Sheridan, D Rhodri Johns, Howard D Johnson

The stratigraphic significance of paralic deposits in the Precipice-Evergreen succession, Surat Basin, Queensland

Andrew D. La Croix, Valeria Bianchi, Mark Reilly, Joan Esterle, Jiahao Wang, Sebastian Gonzalez, Jeff Copley

Stromatolite Construction, Biofacies and Biomarkers in the Lower Cambrian Hawker Group, Arrowie Basin, South Australia

Bronwyn L. Teece, Simon C. George, Glenn A. Brock

Structural and Reservoir Development of the Western Papuan Basin Gas and Condensate Fields

M.I. Spooner, R.I. McCarthy

Targeting Core Sampling with Machine Learning: Case Study from the Springbok Sandstone, Surat Basin

Oliver Gaede, Mitchell Levy

Tectonic and Geodynamic Evolution of the Northern Australian Margin and New Guinea

Joanna Tobin, Sabin Zahirovic, Rakib Hassan, Patrice Rey

Tectonics and geodynamics of the eastern Tethys and northern Gondwana since the Jurassic

Sabin Zahirovic, Nicolas Flament, Jeremy Iwanec, Rakib Hassan, Kara Matthews, Daniela Garrad, Kevin Hill, Maria Seton, Ting Yang, Gilles Brocard, Michael Gurnis, R Dietmar Müller

Towards understanding phosphorus distribution in coal: A case study from the Bowen Basin

Brooke Davis, Sandra Rodrigues, Joan Esterle

Ungani Oil Field, Canning Basin - Evaluation of a Dolomite Reservoir

David Long, Lionel Esteban, Amy Millar, Anne Forbes, Stuart Weston, Martin Kennedy

The Use of Coring-Induced Petal Fractures in Coal to Supplement and Ground Truth the Interpretation of Image Logs

David Titheridge, Saswata Mukherjee

The use of FWI in coal exploration

Mehdi Asgharzadeh, Maryam Bahri, Milovan Urosevic

Using Multiazimuth Seismic Data for Anisotropy Estimation in an Unconventional Reservoir

Surabhi Mishra

What we know, what we don't know, and things we do not know we don't know about hydraulic fracturing in high stress environments

Raymond L. Johnson