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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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Australian Petroleum Systems
Marita Bradshaw
Extended Abstract: Statistical Review, 1992
Bob Laws
Hydrocarbon Composition and Origins of Coastal Bitumens from the Northern Territory, Australia
Roger E. Summons, John Bradshaw, Deirdre M. Brooks, Angus K. Goody, Andrew P. Murray, Clinton B. Foster
Oil Plays in the Kingdom of Tonga, Southwest Pacific
W. Barclay, J. A Rodd, J. C. Pflueger, K. R. Havard, S. P. Helu
Petroleum Potential of Western Southland, South Island, New Zealand
Chris Uruski
The PESA Australian Lecture 1992: Some Ideas on the Rifting History of the Timor Sea from the Integration of Deep Crustal Seismic and Other Data
Geoffrey W. O'Brien
The Western Otway Basin: An Overview of the Rift and Drift History Using Serial Composite Seismic Profiles
Kathy A. Hill, Christopher Durrand
Wrench and Inversion Structures in the Timor Sea Region
Andrew Nelson