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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

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Abstract: January Meetings: WA Branch (Jan 28th): New Technology — A Major Impact on a Producing Field: North Rankin Gas Field

L. Tilbury

Abstract: February Meetings: WA Branch (Feb 25th): AVO and Inversion Mapping — Campbell Gas Field

M. Micenko

Abstract: February Meetings: VIC/TAS Branch (17th February): Fracture Delineation in the Austin Chalk Texas Gulf Coast Using Microresistivity Devices

Tom Fett

Abstract: March Meetings: VIC/TAS Branch (March 17th): The Impact of 3-D Seismic on Exploration

Martin White

Abstract: March Meetings: WA Branch (March (18th): "Geophysical Exploration in Western Australia:1960's vs Now"

Bob Sheriff

Abstract: April Meetings: VIC/TAS Branch (April 21st): Elephant Hunting in Africa

Andy Clifford

Abstract: April Meetings: WA Branch (April 15th): GPS a Cost Effective Tool for the Exploration and Production Industry

John Tompson

Abstract: May Meetings: VIC/TAS Branch (May 19th): A Comparison of Structural Styles from the Northwest Shelf and the North Sea

Geoff Hill

Abstract: May Meetings: WA Branch (May 20th): A Prospectivity Review of the South Eastern Dampier Sub-Basin and Rankin Trend

Ted Jacobson

Abstract: VIC/TAS Branch: (Wednesday, 19th May 1993. Previously Advertised as June Speaker). New Developments in Computer Graphics for Geoscientists

Harry Hvistendahl, Brian Strbac

Abstract: VIC/TAS Branch: (6th July, 1993): "Fault Analysis from 3D Seismic Data, from Quality Control of Seismic Interpretation through to Reservoir Modelling"

John Walsh

Abstract: WA Branch: (17th June, 1993): The Use of Regional Seismic to Guide Exploration in Australia and Worldwide

Jan Ostby

Abstract: WA Branch: (15th July, 1993): "Reappraisal of Source Rock Appraisal."

Elwood Horstman

Elephant Hunting on the Rankin Platform

Alan Stein, John Scott

Abridged Abstract from PNG Convention Paper "Recent Developments in Prospect Mapping in the Hides/Karius Area of the Papuan Fold Belt"

A. M. Grainge

New Play in Beagle Sub-Basin

PESA Staff

AGSO Promoting Petroleum Exploration

Tom Mueller