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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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Addressing Issues with Teamwork: WMC Petroleum Division Sees Teamwork as the Best Method of Achieving Personal and Company Goals
Bob Brown
Extended Abstract: Success in the Timor Sea Prompts a Flurry of New Permit Releases
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Good Results Increase Drilling Activity in the Timor Sea
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Strike Three for Exploration in the Timor Gap
PESA Staff
Six Prime Offshore Areas Gazetted in WA's Timor Sea Region
PESA Staff
Timor Sea Geology: The Big Picture
Geoffrey O'Brien
Extended Abstract: New Sequence Stratigraphy Study of the Barrow-Exmouth Area Released
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Australian Juniors Coming of Age with Overseas Expansion
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: BHP Petroleum Expanding Internationally
PESA Staff
Abstract: History of Discovery
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: Basins Overview
Bob Frears
Extended Abstract: Officer Basin NGMA Project
Jim Leven
Extended Abstract: Onshore Otway Basin - NGMA Mapping of Early Basin Development
Doug Finlayson
Abstract: AGSO Deep-Crustal Survey of the Otway Basin
PESA Staff
Abstract: Offshore Otway Basin Victoria Aeromagnetic Survey
Peter Gunn
Abstract: A Strategy for Restoring Inversion Basins; Thermochronological and Dip Analyses in SE Australia
Kevin C. Hill, Gareth T. Cooper, Kathy A. Hill
Information Technology Aids Oil Spill Contingency Planning
David Blatchford
Extended Abstract: Geological Development and Petroleum Resources
Peter Baillie
Extended Abstract: Multiclient Study of Barrow-Dampier - Beagle Basins
PESA Staff
The Hydrocarbon Potential of the Onshore Carnarvon Basin
B. J. Warris
Extended Abstract: Multiple Attenuation Research
PESA Staff
A Spurious Jurassic Sea Level Event: Its Potential for Misapplication to Australian North West Shelf Sequence Stratigraphy and Hydrocarbon Exploration
J. Gorter
Extended Abstract: Elephants Sighted on the Rankin Platform: Further Investigation in W95-5 Warranted
A. Stein
Abstract: Natural Gas in Australia - An Industry Coming of Age
Greg Harvey
New South Wales' Petroleum Prospectivity
Dave Alder
Geological Setting of Southern Queensland Petroleum Basins
Peter Green
History of the Bowen - Surat Basins
Lindsay Elliot
Focus of 3D Interpretation Software/Value in the Third Dimension
Richard Wilson
Thinking in Depth
Jim Durrant
Concurrent Processing: Towards a Mature Seismic Process
Dieter Ramcke
Update-Petroleum Exploration and Development During 1994 - 95 in Victoria
PESA Staff, Energy & Minerals Victoria, Stephen Ryan, B. Simons, Ciaran Lavin, Gregory Parker, S. Sarma, G. Collins, L. A. Knight, K. Mehin, A. Link
Abstract: Structural Restoration of AGSO Deep Seismic Lines Across the Timor Sea, Using GeosecTM: - Implications for Fault Style, Leakage and Basin Formation
Kevin C. Hill, Gareth T. Cooper