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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

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Extended Abstract: Interior Basins Studies in Western Australia

The Geological Survey of Western Australia

Extended Abstract: Sensing Below with Ocean Bottom Seismic

Bill Cafarelli

Abstract: Late Tertiary Fluid Migration in the Timor Sea: "A Key Control on Both Thermal History and Seismic Velocity?"

Geoff O'Brien

Real Time Tracking and Management of Assets in Seismic Survey Operations

Greg Buchanan

Carnarvon Petroleum - Strategic Horizons

Brian Wickins

With 75 Billion Barrels is Burgan a Dream of a Field?

George Carman

New Dynamics in New Zealand

Rick Wilkinson

New Play Fairway Generates Excitement on the Yampi Shelf, Browse Basin

Paul Cartwright

Abstract: Bayu/Undan Gas-Condensate Discovery: Western Timor Gap Zone of Cooperation, Area A

D. M. Brooks, A. K. Goody, J. B. O'Reilly, K. L. McCarty

Abstract: "Dance of the Seven Bureaucratic Veils"

Peter Baille

Abstract: "A Healthy Outlook Amid Policy Puzzles"

Niegel Grazia

Abstract: "Environmental Protection in Western Australia - An Environmental Protection Authority Perspective"

Ray Steedman

Abstract: "Political Correctness, Orthodoxy and Blind Faith - Problems with the Identification of Source Rocks in the Timor Sea"

John Gorter

New Zealand: All the Right Ingredients

PESA Staff, Daniel Johnston, Warren Player, Roger Gregg, Richard Cook

Is the Barrow Sub-Basin Special?

Ted Jacobson, Peter Baillie

The North West Shelf Stress Map

Richard Hillis, Scott Mildren, Chris Pigram, Don Willoughby

Seismic Data - Are We Realising Its Full Potential?

Phil Williams, Mick Cook

Abstract: Geological Characterisation of Shallow Marine Sands for Reservoir Modelling and High Resolution Stratigraphic Analysis

Howard Johnson

Carnarvon Questions Leatherback Interpretation: Junior Explorer, Carnarvon Petroleum Points to Dipmeter Data as Key Element in New Interpretation of 3D Seismic Data

PESA Staff

Current Joint AGSO-Industry Studies in the Timor Sea

Geoff O'Brien

Seismic Interpretation of Timor Sea Speculative Surveys

Roberto Fainstein, Phil Davey, Kayleen Robinson

Extended Abstract: Timor Sea Survey Provides Low Cost Data Option

Alan Stein

Extended Abstract: New Opportunities to Be Forged in the Vulcan Basin

M. J. Martin

Extended Abstract: 1996 Release of Australian Offshore Acreage

PESA Staff

Offshore Western Australia Acreage Release

Peter Baillie

Extended Abstract: Revolutionary New Software Used in Browse Basin Gazettal Evaluation

Alan Stein

Abstract: The Goodwyn Field: An Integrated Approach to Optimal Field Development

S. H. Newman, N. C. Taylor

Abstract: Petroleum Generating Potential and Maturation History of Merlinleigh Sub-Basin, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia

K. A. R. Ghori

Abstract: Deformation Produced by Normal Faulting beneath Salt or Shale: An Eexperimental Study with Implications for Seismic Interpretation

Martha Withjack

Speculation on the Origin of the Bedout High - A Large, Circular Structure of Pre Mesozoic Age in the Offshore Canning Basin, Western Australia

John D. Gorter

Exploration Round-up

Beatrice Mare

Poor Man's Synthetic Seismogram

Andrew Nelson

The Impact of New Geophysical Technology on Oil and Gas Exploration

William S. French, Charles Ramsden, Martin Bawden

Worldwide, the Use of 3D Seismic an Explorationin Tool is on the Increase. Rapid Improvements in Acquisition Technology and Processing is Bringing the Cost down to Where it is Affordable to a Much Wider Range of Companies; It is No Longer Just the Domain of Multinationals

Woodside Offshore Petroleum (WOP) Pty Ltd

"What Technically Can Be Done, Will Be Done"

Paul Vrolijk

Extended Abstract: Seismic Data Management Options - Archives to Desktop

Bruce Sketchley

Extended Abstract: AGSO ‘Sniffer’ Results from the Yampi Shelf

G. W. O'Brien, M. Fellows

Extended Abstract: AFO Underlined for Exploration Applications

PESA Staff