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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

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Abstract: PESA Australian Lecture 1997: Tectonic Models and Seismic Interpretation

John K. Davidson

Abstract: Integrated Structural and Stratigraphic Analysis in PPL 175, Papuan Fold Belt, Papua New Guinea

Roger Thornton

The Future of Petrotechnical Software

Joe Scibiorski

Abstract: Resources 96 Conference: Cooper Basin - 1999

Bob Laws

Abstract: Resources 96 Conference: South Australian Cambrian Petroleum Potential

D. I. Gravestock

Extended Abstract: Cooper Basin - Expiration of Leases Will See a Boom in Competition for Acreage

David Wesolowski, Lisa O'Toole

Managing Petroleum Data as a Corporate Asset

Mike Slee, Steve Prager

The Jason Geoscience Workbench: "Teamware" for Finding Oil & Gas - The Smart Way

Paul D. Vrolijk

Victorian Supplement

Patrick McNamara, G. Collins, G. Jungwirth, M. McCormack, Brij Agrawal, C. Lavin, T. Muscatello, S. Haydon, K. Mehin, A. Link, A. Partridge, M. Megallaa, R. Harms

New Magnetic Interpretation Tools Assist PetroleumExploration

Christian Ellis, Paul Cartwright, Andy Cabell, Julien Flack, Stewart Rodrigues

Extended Abstract: Palaeozoic Rift Basin Evolution in the Browse Basin, Northwest Shelf

Heike I. M. Struckmeyer, Ken Baxter, Jane E. Blevin, Donna L. Cathro

Extended Abstract: Source Rock Prediction in North West Shelf Basins

Tom Loutit

Extended Abstract: Browse Basin, Northwest Shelf Cinderella to Princess


Extended Abstract: Seismic Campaign under Way, East Coast Basin

PESA Staff

Abstract: Economics of Gas Field Developments in the Cooper Basin After 1999

R. McDonough

Abstract: "Geological Applications of Borehole Imaging"

Simon Horan

Abstract: "Overpressuring: Causes and Effects on Exploration and Drilling"

Najwa Yassir

Abstract: "Pipelines, Power and Prosperity"

Nicholas Grollman

Abstract: "Reservoir Characterisation of Mature Fields; Rejuvenating Very Old Fields Profitably"

Bob Sneider

Abstract: Romancing the Triangle Zone: A PNG Story

Daniel Medd

Abstract: The Impact of Geophysical Technology on Oil and Gas Exploration and Production: Past, Present and Future

William S. French

Abstract: Tectonic Models and Seismic Interpretation

John Davidson

Abstract: Interpretation of High Resolution Gravity and Magnetic Surveys for Oil and Gas Exploration

Clive Foss

Abstract: Opportunities in the Cooper Basin in 1999

Bob Laws

Extended Abstract: Palaeozoic Rift Basin Evolution in the Browse Basin, Northwest Shelf

Heike I. M. Struckmeyer, Ken Baxter, Jane E. Blevin, Donna L. Cathro

3D Structure, Fault Analysis and HRDZs in the Skua Area, Timor Sea

Kevin C. Hill

Abstract: A Geophysical Appraisal of the East Spar Gas/Condensate Field

Adam Craig

Abstract: The Role of Suplhur in the Formation of Petroleum

C. M. Norgate, R. Alexander, R. I. Kagi

Abstract: Birkhead-Hutton(!) Petroleum System of the Gidgealpa Area

Peter Boult

Extended Abstract: South Australian Petroleum Act Greenpaper

PESA Staff

Abstract: The Petroleum Industry in Victoria - Issues and Directions

Kathy Hill

Abstract: An Investigation of Seismic Amplitude versus Offset (AVO), Computer Modelling and Field Data from the Kaimiro Field, Onshore Taranaki

Alex McAlpine, Mick Micenko, Derek Woodward, Jonathon Ravens

Abstract: Literature Search and Document Supply for the Petroleum Industry

Geoff Hudson, Julia Weir

Extended Abstract: Report into the Accident Involving the Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Maersk Victory on November 16 1996

Kristi Shore

Abstract: Explorers Negotiate with Aboriginals

Hon Stephen Baker

Abstract: The Underground Gas Storage Potential of the Stanbury Basin

David Gravestock

Abstract: Cooper Basin Airborne Survey

PESA Staff

Abstract: 4D, 4C: A First for Western

Larry Scott

Extended Abstract: Reservoir Imaging and Characterisation: The Roller Field

Total Depth (Exploration Services) Pty. Ltd., Signal Estimation Technology Inc.

Will Petroleum Exploration Increase Onshore Western Australia?

G. M. Carlsen

Abstract: 1997 Acreage Release Prospectivity Studies

Barry West, Tun U Maung, Virginia Passmore

Abstract: ATP 259P Gas Reserves Receive a Further Boost

PESA Staff

Abstract: Energy Burst for New Zealand's Oil and Gas Future

PESA Staff

Exploration and Production News

PESA Staff

Vessels Set Sail to New Horizons

PESA Staff

Countdown to Kyoto

PESA Staff

Semblance Technology and DHI Analyses, Kupe, New Zealand

Mark L. Sloan, Angus Ruddock

Thermal History in Hydrocarbon Exploration

Paul F. Green, Kerry A. Hegarty, Ian R. Duddy