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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
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Abstract: The Value of Integrating Existing 3D Seismic into Shallow Gas Studies
Gavin Douglas
Extended Abstract: PESA / SPE South Australia November Luncheon Speaker
Harry Butler
R&D into Time-Lapse 3-D Seismic with Analogue Sandbox Models
Don Sherlock
Abstract: New South Australian Exploration Initiative
Bob Laws
Extended Abstract: Victoria Extends Its VIMP Program to 2001
Kathy Hill
Abstract: Victorian Onshore Petroleum ACT 1998
Kathy Hill
Improved 3D Seismic Imaging Expands North Sea Vision. Workstation Interpretive Depth Imaging Solves Gas Cloud Problem
Thad Dunbar, Mark Lance
Extended Abstract: Industry Overview
PESA Staff
A Tool for Asset Teams
PESA Staff
Abstract: Sights and Sounds of International Oil Business
Colleen Gregg
Abstract: Geosteering Horizontal Wells in a Thin Oil Column
Phil Burnett
Victorian Supplement
Patrick McNamara, David Lea, Kathy Hill, George Buckland, Rob King, Mike Woollands, Maher Megallaa, Bob Harms, Kourosh Mehin, Geoff Collins, Andrew Constantine, Odd Arne Larsen, Bass Strait Oil Company, Esso Australia Ltd
Petroleum-Related Honours Projects at the Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Adelaide, 1998
Richard Hillis
Australian Competitive Energy Forum
Graham Collins
Oil Dumpers Tracked
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: A New RFT Analysis and Database Application
PESA Staff
Extended Abstract: The Use of Seismic Stacking Velocities to Locate Prospective Reservoir Section
PESA Staff
Abstract: Petroleum Exploration and Production Interpretative Centre Opens in South Australia
John Morton
Extended Abstract: SA Cooper Basin News
Bob Laws
Extended Abstract: Palaeo-Oil Zone in Jerboa-1
Graham Logan
Abstract: Petroleum Bill South Australia - Update
Michael Malavazos
1999 Offshore Bight and Duntroon Basins Acreage Release
Tony Hill
Environmental Outcomes of Seismic Surveying in the Coongie Lakes Control Zone
C. D. Cockshell
Extended Abstract: Update of Exploration and Production Activities
PESA Staff
3D Immersive Visualisation to Premiere at 1999 APPEA Conference
PESA Staff
Abstract: Fast and Accurate Reservoir Characterisation by Volume Interpretation and Analysis of Rock Property Cubes
PESA Staff
Abstract: The Triassic Sag River Sandstone, North Slope Alaska: An Example of Shelf Sandstone Deposition under the Influence of Upwelling
Michael D. Wilson
Abstract: Petroleum Exploration Database Managers Group
Maureen Cooper
Abstract: Basin Modelling: Making a Sedimentary Basin is Not a Trivial Matter
Kerry Hegarty
Abstract: Seismic Velocities and Depth Conversion
Mac Al Chalabi
Extended Abstract: Basement Knowledge Plus 'Old' Tools Generates New Exploration Methods
Tom Loutit
Extended Abstract: Targeted Exploration Initiative SA
Tony Hill
Extended Abstract: Update of Exploration and Production Activity
PESA Staff
Abstract: Chicken Little Was Right!
John Gorter
Abstract: Reducing Resource Uncertainty Using Seismic Amplitude Analysis on the Southern Rankin Trend, North West Australia
D. Sibley, F. Herkenhoff, D. Criddle, M. McLerie
Abstract: The GeoMorpher Process Applied to Seismic Data, or How to Make Your Seismic Show What You Want
Nick Hoffman
Abstract: Iterative Structural Modelling and 2D Seismic Imaging in the PNG Highlands
Spencer Quam
Extended Abstract: South Australia Otway Basin News
PESA Staff
Climate-Change Debate: A Moment Frozen
Bob Foster
Extended Abstract: Update on Petroleum Activity in New Zealand
PESA Staff
Abstract: Landmark Launches New Release of Earthcube™
Gordon McCullough
Extended Abstract: Scouting with the LADS
PESA Staff
Abstract: Development of a Caspian Giant: Chirag-Azeri Field
M. A. Hession
Abstract: Proactive Asset Management of Kakap PSC, Indonesia: Message for Small Non-Operators
Gaz Bisht
Abstract: Use of Fluorescence for the Detection of Oil Seepage in the Marine Environment
Barry Messent
Extended Abstract: Update On Petroleum Activity in New Zealand
PESA Staff